It’s the last Friday of May and you know what that means, right? It’s time for May Runfessions and the Friday Five 2.0! Should we discuss how it’s already Memorial Day weekend? Because that’s kind of ridiculous…
It’s been an interesting month. Some ups, some downs, and some ehs. But I do have a few things I need to runfess…
May Runfessions: Rainy Days and Summer Running
I runfess…
1. I haven’t done any strength training in 3 weeks.
It’s literally been three weeks since I’ve done any strength training. In my defense, I was in recovery post-race and then I was sick for two weeks. So it’s not like I was slacking! But I did finally get back at it on Thursday. My muscles are totally out of whack. I definitely worked out to the point of failure. DOMS are real!
On the one hand, I know I need to strength train diligently because it will keep me injury-free. But on the other hand, will it? I was super focused with strength training leading up to the 20 Mile Drop and my IT bands still hated me on race day. I haven’t done anything for three weeks, ran the Cleveland Half on Sunday and had no problems. Hmmm…
2. I almost bailed on Grandma’s.
That’s right. I said it. I almost bailed on Grandma’s. Between being sick and fatigued for two weeks after my A race in April, I was seriously questioning my sanity of driving 12 hours for a race. But alas, my husband and I have decided to make it a mini vacation with the kids, so we’re still on. This is my last long run before taper — I’m in too deep to bail now!
Since it’s May Runfessions, I’ll runfess…
3. I haven’t been tracking my shoe mileage.
This one’s kind of eating me alive. I used to be very diligent about tracking the mileage on my shoes. I’ve let it go by the wayside and now I don’t remember how many miles I have on any given pair. I retired one of my favorite pairs after Wednesday’s run because they just don’t feel right anymore. But I could still have a good 100 miles on them and be retiring them early. #thestruggleisreal
4. This rain is killing my training mojo.
We’ve had a handful of good running days in the last month. It seems for every one nice day, there are three days of rain and gloom to follow. Luckily we’re due for one or two nice days this weekend so I’m holding out hope for some decent running weather. But it’s been taking an exorbitant amount of motivation to get going on my runs lately. Speaking of weather…
5. I can’t wait for summer training to really begin in earnest.
I’m a warm weather runner. If I’m signed up for a spring race, I’m merely going through the motions to get my workouts in. But summer running — that’s my jam. I live for warm, summer runs, and I relish in the way a hard workout feels when it’s done in the summer sunshine. Fingers crossed our cool and rainy spring isn’t indicative of a cool, rainy summer.
Looking forward to June, I will: keep better track of the mileage on my shoes, have fun at Grandma’s, and hopefully relish in the summer sun!
Speaking of June — topics for the June Friday Five 2.0 have been posted. Be sure to check it out and link up with Fairytales and Fitness and me each Friday!
Have an awesome holiday weekend and I’ll catch you back here next week!
What’s one thing you have to runfess for May?
Anything fun planned for the weekend?