Runger (n)/
- the hunger pangs one feels while running, particularly while smelling the delicious smell of lasagna permeating the air from Stouffer’s World HQ at 8:30 am on a Saturday
- insatiable hunger brought on by miles and miles of running, particularly during marathon training.
- “extreme, all-encompassing ravenousness that takes over after a long run” (source)
Hangry (adj)/
- a signal from a runner’s brain to the external world that lets EVERYONE know you are hungry and MUST EAT NOW. Or you will die.
- a state of anger caused by lack of food
- Directly correlated with runger (see above).
When it comes to marathon training and hunger, a runner’s appetite is almost entirely impossible to satiate. If you’ve been through it, you know what I’m talking about. And if you haven’t, you probably know someone who has. And if you’re the spouse or life-partner of a marathoner-in-training, you have my condolences.
Marathoners like to need to EAT ALL THE THINGS! The calories burnt, the effort put forth, and the wolflike appetite that grows during marathon training is nothing to scoff at, folks.
I’ve solicited the help of three of my favorite running friends — Sara, Julie, and Noemi — to share with you our top five favorite snacks to help keep the runger, and subsequent hanger, at bay.
5 Snacks to Keep the Runger at Bay
Watermelon is the perfect post-run snack. It’s sweet but mostly juicy (watery?) which makes it the perfect fruit to eat after a run. It’s super fantastic when races serve watermelon wedges as a post-race treat!
Justin’s Dark Chocolate Peanut Butter Cups
Justin’s Dark Chocolate Peanut Butter Cups are Sara’s go-to snack during marathon training. They’re filling, satiating, and are vegan to boot. And now she’s got me craving some…
Apples and Bananas
Apples and bananas are the easiest snack for me to munch on throughout the day. I try not to eat multiple bananas or multiple apples in one day but sometimes it just happens that way and I roll with it.

It’s possible this is a banana farm, yes.
Annie’s Pizza Snack Mix
I was anti-pizza flavored anything for the longest time. Just ask my husband. It just didn’t seem right. Then one day he came home one day with a box of Annie’s Pizza Snack Mix and I hesitantly tasted some. And it was heavenly. This round of marathon training has given way to a craving for this stuff like a… [insert inappropriate analogy here]. Anyway. It’s one of my go-to snacks these days.
Julie’s and Noemi’s go-to snack is popcorn! Julie prefers hers with a glass of wine. Or milk. But not at the same time because let’s face it, ewww. And Noemi likes her popcorn extra salty.
I’ve heard of a lot of weird post long run hunger stories but for a good laugh, and probably some of the weirder ones I’ve read about, you should read this story from Competitor. It’s slightly disturbing but a lot hilarious.
Have a great weekend, folks, and happy running to those racing and running long!
What’s the weirdest food you’ve craved after a run?
What’s your favorite snack during a training cycle?
Linking up with Friday Five and Fitness Health & Happiness.
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