Liebster Award: an online award for bloggers, given by bloggers. It’s a great way to find new blogs to follow as well as promote new bloggers.
- Thank the blogger who presented the award and link back to their blog.
- Answer the 10 questions the blogger asked of you.
- Nominate 10 different bloggers.
- Ask 10 different questions to the nominees.
My blog title is based on a silly song called “Happiness Runs” that we used to sing at camp. It always puts a smile on my face, and it’s a fun song to teach to my kids (it has hand gestures as well). I also like Jackson Brown so it seemed like a nice compromise. ☺
Cleveland. I love the diversity and I love the food. So many local places to choose from, so little time!
Chocolate ice cream. Or salted caramel ice cream. Both from Mitchell’s. (If you’re ever in CLE, Mitchell’s ice cream is a must.)
My laptop, coffee, and my running shoes. And my kids. And my husband. I’ve passed three, haven’t I?
Running. And probably shopping even though I don’t want to admit it.
Water and coffee!
Crohn’s & Colitis Foundation, LIVESTRONG, and Girls On the Run.
This question is an entire blog post in itself. I really can’t truthfully answer this! I think my experience as a camper in the north woods of Wisconsin certainly had a huge impact on my life. It shaped who I am today.
My Livestrong Girl series is my favorite. Here’s the first one:
Courtney ~ Running for Cupcakes
Laura ~ Scribbles & Sass
Jeremy ~ Confessions of an Amateur Athlete
Lauren ~ Breathe Deeply and Smile
Ginger ~ Mini Me Wannabe
Theresa ~ A Change of Pace
Kristen and Courtney ~ Jonesin’ for a Run
Leigh Anne ~ Live Fit and Run
Kathryn ~ From Dancing to Running
Rosi ~ Perfectly F.I.T.T.
1. What is your sport or fitness activity of choice?
2. Wine, beer, or liquor?
3. Where are you from, and what do you love about your city?
4. Why did you start blogging?
5. If you could live anywhere in the world, where would it be and why?
6. Do you have a sweet or salty tooth?
7. How many siblings do you have?
8. If you could meet any famous person, past or present, who would it be and why?
9. What’s your favorite song?
10. And most importantly, what is your favorite blog post you have written to date?
Enjoy! Hopefully everyone has a grand time and finds some new blogs to read and follow. Have a great weekend, friends!
If you’re not a blogger but love to follow blogs, what’s your favorite?
How many miles will you be running this weekend?