I’ve been running most of my life. And I’ve been coaching for almost a decade. And while those things don’t make me the expert on all things running, I do have a few pieces of advice to share with both newer and more experienced runners that I’ve gleaned over the years.
Use these Running Do’s and Don’t’s as a reference to guide your own running journey!
This post is sponsored by adidas. I receive a gift card as a partner with the adidas blogger community. All content and opinions are my own.
9 Running Do’s and Don’t’s to Keep You Running into the New Year
1 | DO be open to NEW
New what? Distances, paces, training stimuli, clothing, gear, coaching styles… I know, I know, sometimes trying new things can be scary. But it can also be gratifying. Running farther than you’ve run before, or faster, can seem like an insurmountable obstacle. Trying new training stimuli, like hill repeats, can also seem scary. Heck, even trying out a new pair of running tights or sports bra can feel threatening. But what happens if you loooooove it? You love the tights! Hills are fun! Running double digits is exhilarating! Don’t limit yourself – try something new.
2 | DON’T pigeon-hole yourself.
Just because you’re good at running long distance doesn’t mean you shouldn’t try a shorter, faster race or workout!
3 | DO think outside the box.
This point goes back to point one above. Sometimes thinking outside the box can be good for the soul. Let’s pick on running tights as an example here. Running tights are the norm for runners in winter. But what about those cute joggers? Or fleece pants? Or, gasp, bootcut athleticwear. Just because something has been done for a while, doesn’t mean you can’t think outside the box and do things your own way. (The holidays are coming up – maybe you could drop some hints to your loved ones for one of these top gifts from adidas and think outside the box!)
4 | DON’T think you have to stick with the “norms.”
Let’s go back to thinking outside the box and expand on that. Guess what? You can run with music – or not. You can run with your dog – or not. If you want to run fast on trails instead of long and slow, go for it. Running is an individual journey – it’s not a destination. As the saying goes, you do you.
5 | DO set your own goals.
Goal setting is a most personal endeavor. Make sure your goals are true to you, and realistic. It’s great to have a pie-in-the-sky goal, but in order to get there, you should set something achievable, personal, and timely.
6 | DON’T let someone else’s goals become yours.
Likewise, just because your friend has one goal does not mean you automatically need to make it your own. Having said that, it is really fun to set a goal with a friend. Just make sure it’s a goal you want to reach for, and not just something they want to do.
7 | DO follow your own training.
Once you set your goal, enlist a coach or a training calendar, and then stick with it. You can be training for the same race as your pals, but if your fitness level and/or goals are different, chances are your training will be different, too.
8 | DON’T let someone else’s training dictate yours.
Let’s say you decided to set a goal and sign up for a race with a friend. You may have very different training plans. See point 7 above – follow your own training. There may be some give and take, and that’s okay when it comes to easy pace runs. Speedwork, hills, and tempo runs are the ones you need to keep pure.
Bottom line – running is what you make of it. Is it hard? Yes. Can it be very rewarding? Absolutely. Can it also be really fun? YES!
Stop and take the pictures. Eat the snacks. Listen to the music!! Revel in the hard work and the sweaty runs, enjoy the scenery, and enjoy every step!
Tuck these tips into your back pocket so you have them handy for the New Year. Running can be a lot of fun if you let it. For newer runners, it can be scary but taking that first step is one step in the right direction. And for more experienced runners, sometimes you just gotta shake things up to keep the magic alive.
I hope you decide to use these Running Do’s and Don’t’s to carry you into the New Year!
If you’re ready to take your training to the next level, reach out and let’s talk!
I’m linking up with Coach Debbie Runs, Confessions of a Mother Runner, Mile by Mile, and Runs with Pugs for the Runners’ Roundup!