It’s been a hot minute since I’ve posted anything. I swear I’m not trying to ghost you. I’m still trying to figure out how to successfully juggle #allthethings. But admittedly, I’ve been missing blogging lately. Like a lot. I just have to make sure it doesn’t feel like a chore and that I actually want to be here for the right reasons. Hopefully I can get myself back into a groove and stay up to date with my little slice of the interweb. When life gets busy it seems like blogging is always the first to go.
Here’s what’s been going on in my life:
When Life Gets Busy
1. I started coaching track!
I’ve been a little hush-hush on this because for a few months I wasn’t even sure I had the job. But lo and behold, I do. Indoor season started in January and I officially signed my contract a couple weeks ago. So now it’s legit. I’m a high school track coach. This has been a goal of mine for a while now and I’m excited to see how it unfolds!
I’ll be coaching jumps — high jump and long jump. Track is so fascinating and it’s the exact opposite of long, slow distance that I’ve been preaching to my adult runners for so long. Instead of training bodies for endurance, now I’m training for explosiveness. It’s vastly different and yet so similar. Outdoor season starts next week and I’m super excited to start working with my jumpers!

With friend and fellow ‘grammer, Adam, at an indoor meet.
2. My husband and I planned a huge fundraiser.
I’ve always been good at planning. Parties, get-togethers, nights out — all the things. When my son was a baby I was the organizer of a playgroup and I took my event planning seriously! Halloween parties, playdates, Easter egg hunts, potlucks, recipe swaps, mom’s nights… I planned as many things as I could. It’s my sweet spot in life. The biggest event we had was roughly 30 families.
But this event — the one I planned with my husband — was the biggest one I’ve planned yet. And I definitely didn’t do it alone! We were nominated to plan an annual fundraiser for our school’s boosters program. Last year the theme was Casino Night and after doing some research and finding the right info, it was a success! We all had such a fantastic time! It was such a success the members voted to have it again. So, I wouldn’t be surprised if many of them decide to make the most out of these low wagering bonuses, that can be found at in the meantime. There is nothing like brushing up on your skills before the big event, (whilst winning some money at the same time). My husband and I worked with members to secure sponsors and raffle donors, and then with the venue for food, beverage, and all the other fun logistics like the photography for the event, if we were in New York I could have hired for it, who knows what the future holds! It was a lot of fun and planning is definitely my forte. But I would be lying if I said I wasn’t relieved it was over and in the past. Event planning is exhausting, but it’s all worth it when you see everyone having fun and donating. Casino nights really do seem to bring people to the event, and they also seem to bring out the competitive side in people. It seems that quite a lot of people are pretty good with casino games, perhaps they’ve had quite a lot of experience. I was first introduced to the world of gambling when my parents used to play the lottery, hoping to win millions! I vividly remember them playing every Friday evening and the whole Friday was planned around the lottery numbers being drawn. They did win a few times, although it wasn’t millions. I sometimes even use sites like 188 lo to to play the lottery and relive my childhood. Now, I understand what all of the fun is about… Perhaps that’s why I enjoy playing casino games as I’ve always been surrounded by some sort of gaming.
All in all the event was a success. The attendees (parents, teachers, and administrators) loved the slideshow I made highlighting our student-athletes, the food was delicious, I curated a fun playlist for a targeted audience, and the raffle prizes were a hit! Will I do it again next year? Definitely but in a whole new context. (Spoiler alert: there will be a race.)
3. What am I training for?
If you follow me on social (most notably Instagram), you’ve probably noticed my mileage is increasing quite a bit. So much so that you’re probably wondering if I’m training for another marathon. The truth of the matter is I’m not sure yet. I want to but I’m not sure if I’ll have the time or energy. Once outdoor track season starts, we have practice Monday through Friday with meets both during the week (late nights) and on the weekends. My plan is to increase my mileage as if I’m training for the full Cleveland Marathon and if I make it, awesome. And if it starts to become too much, I’ll dial it back and focus on the half instead. I’m also targeting the 20 Mile Drop in April but again, if it becomes too much, I’ll take it down a notch.
Check out my recap of the 2017 20 Mile Drop. What a race that was!

Long run with my BRF!

Love running with this girl!
4. Kids Run the Nation is starting soon!
I’ve been working on a spring session of Kids Run the Nation. I’m really excited as this session will take on an entirely different form than previous sessions. Usually we meet after school and have a very limited amount of time to cram a lot of information (and running!) in. This time around we’re targeting a real race (the Cleveland Marathon 5K) and we’re meeting on the weekends which will give us much more flexibility overall. It’s going to be a ton of fun!
5. And finally… my first 50K!!!!
The most important piece of information in this entire post is this: I officially signed up for my first 50K!!!! I’m so freaking excited!!! I’ll share all the nitty gritty next week. But for now, join me when I say: SQUEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!

I’m in!!
As you can see, I’ve been super busy lately. But I’ve missed the interaction with my readers and my friends. I hope I can maintain regular blogging lately because I truly value this community. But if I drop off again, at least now you know why and I’ll definitely be back. Hey, this is what happens when life gets busy!
Let’s talk!
Bring me up to speed: what are three impactful things that have happened in your life in the last two months?
Come run with me in May!! Sign up for any Cleveland Marathon race distance or challenge and save 10%! Use code RF2019 at checkout!
I’m linking up with Fairytales and Fitness.