The Total Body Challenge is a fun way to challenge yourself while being fit and active. No matter what your goal or fitness level, you’ll be able to use these workouts to your benefit.
Welcome to the Friday Five 2.0. If you’re new here, take a peek, join the linkup, and find new blogs to follow. If you’re not new here, welcome back. 🙂
Today’s topic is “in like a lion.” On the heels of the Supermans, Squats, and Twists challenge, yesterday kicked off the first day of my March challenge. The new challenge combines aspects of both the Burpees, Planks, and Push-Ups challenge as well as the Supermans challenge and it’s aptly named the Total Body Challenge. In like a lion, indeed!
Admittedly, I had no intention of these challenges going on this long. I started the first one to keep myself motivated and in shape while I shed some post-holiday weight. The second challenge was a result of everyone loving the first one so much. Unfortunately I didn’t finish my own challenge in February due to illness and lack of motivation. This third challenge is a result of needing to get back on the wagon myself, the enjoyment of encouraging others, as well as the need to maintain some semblance of sanity through these dreary days we’ve been having lately.
I documented my progress from the Burpees challenge with a photo. I had the best intentions of documenting the Supermans challenge with measurements. But when I stopped working out and never restarted, I didn’t bother taking follow-up measurements. In fact, I feel like I’ve gained some additional flub from not continuing with all those burpees from January. So no progress pic for today, but here’s hoping I have amazing results this time around!
What is the Total Body Challenge?
As mentioned, the Total Body Challenge combines the Burpees and Supermans challenges. Those of us participating will be performing burpees one day and a combo exercise of supermans, planks, and push-ups on the other day. I chose these exercises for the Total Body Challenge for a few reasons.
First, I love burpees. I definitely wanted to incorporate them into the workout somehow. But I know not everyone loves burpees so I needed to keep things fresh. Second, I wanted to make sure those of us who have done the previous two challenges reap the benefits from a third challenge. The combination of burpees, supermans, planks, and push-ups will do a lot to strengthen our entire body rather than just isolate a few key muscles. Third, and most importantly, I wanted it to be fun for a variety of individuals. By keeping the reps low, more people will be willing and/or able to participate and see the challenge through.
Now that you know the exercises and why we’re doing them, check out the schedule for the Total Body Challenge.
I highly encourage you to take advantage of this amazing FREE fitness challenge. You can do the workouts on your own, on your own time, in the comfort of your own home. If you like added accountability, join the Total Body Challenge Facebook group. Members post photos and videos of their progress and we have fun encouraging one another.
Still on the fence about joining the challenge? I’ll give you five reasons why you should!
Five Reasons YOU Should Take the Total Body Challenge!
1. Get fit and have FUN!
Joining the Total Body Challenge is the easiest way to get fit and have fun while doing it. The workouts are short and to the point. They’re challenging but not unmanageable. Plus, we have a ton of fun in the Facebook groups for these challenges. Join us!
2. No equipment necessary.
You don’t need any equipment for this challenge. In fact, you can do the workouts barefoot if you prefer. You can do the workouts at the office, at the park, or while getting coffee with friends. Easy peasy! Any time, anywhere.
3. It’s FREE.
Did I mention the challenges I’ve been hosting are FREE? That’s right — no cost, no commitment, no obligation. Join the group, do the workouts, receive pointers and cheering — all for FREE.
4. Make new friends!
These challenges attract a wonderful group of like-minded individuals committed to seeing results. The camaraderie of the groups is unparalleled.
5. See results.
You’ll see results with Total Body Challenge. The exercises chosen will help you be stronger, jump higher, run faster. Whatever your goals, these workouts will help get you there. Try it — you’ll see!
If you follow me on Instagram or Facebook, you know I’ve been getting back into running after a little more than two months off. For me, these workouts, coupled with my physical therapy exercises, are going to help me get back to running well sooner rather than later. No matter what your goal or fitness level, you’ll be able to use these workouts to your benefit, too.
I hope you decide to join in the Total Body Challenge fun!
Let’s talk!
What’s your favorite bodyweight exercise?
How do you stay fit while traveling or on-the-go?