There are a few reasons I haven’t been a good blogger lately. But things are back on track and I’m so glad!
HAPPY FRIDAY!!!! I am so glad this week is over. First, I’m going off topic again! I truly apologize for being a ridiculous hostess but when the creative juices are flowing, you just can’t stop them. Nor can you force them to flow when they aren’t there…
Now, having said all that, there are a couple of things to share. I suppose this is a runfessions of sorts but since it’s not technically time for the runfessional, I’ll dub it the Five Reasons I Haven’t Been a Good Blogger Lately instead. How’s that for a catchy title?
Five Reasons I Haven’t Been a Good Blogger Lately
1. Longest winter EVER.
Between all the illnesses, the snow days, and the general doom and gloom, this has been the LONGEST winter of my life. I get SAD every year but man, oh man!, this year was a major bummer. To say I’ve been uninspired would be the understatement of the century. Give me 70s and sunshine and I will be one happy woman! Also, I felt like I was stuck when it came to finding a solution to gaining more Instagram followers. As linking posts back to my Instagram account can help generate more traffic, I really wanted to work on it. But after all this, a friend of mine recommended I could find instagram followers free online, which could be something worth checking out.
2. I’ve been injured.
I’m not gonna use my injury as an excuse as to why I haven’t been quite as engaged with my blog lately but maybe I am… because let’s face it. I’m a running coach and a running blogger. I’ve been injured since mid-December. YES, I’m making HUGE progress! But with all these illnesses in my family lately, I’ve also been taking huge strides back. Two weeks ago I ran 5 miles PAIN-FREE! It was amazing. And then wham! The flu hit again. It’s been tough to set goals and celebrate accomplishments with this cycle of bleh.
Once this winter is officially done and gone, you better believe I’ll be running more consistently and truly setting some goals!
3. A lot of fun things are coming up!
Next month is my second session of Kids Run the Nation. I’m SUPER excited! We had a blast in the fall and we have a lot of returning kids for the spring session. It’s going to be amazing.
I also have two fitness/goal-setting presentations coming up. It turns out even though I don’t love public speaking, per se, it’s actually really kinda fun! I like helping people develop goals and a plan to achieve those goals. Plus it’s always nice to encourage people to be more fit and lead a healthier lifestyle. I better get crackin’ on my outlines…
4. My husband made a career change.
After several years of back and forth about a career change, it finally happened. My husband decided it was time to make a big switch. He spent many hours on sites like Upskilled to figure out how to make a career change, but finally, he’s done it. During my husband’s career transition, we enjoyed, as my dad put it, a lot of “togetherness.” It was actually really nice to have my husband around so much since we rarely saw each other between running, coaching, his work, the kids, and life in general. But he wasn’t home just for fun and games. He had to take three exams which entailed a ton of studying over many weeks. It seems to be the norm right now with my friend’s children who are in college also working hard to study for their exams. One of her girls studies art and many people tended to stick up their noses and say “is ap art history hard?” well I’ve seen her studying and I know for a fact I could not do it! Anyway, two of those weeks for us were winter break so all four of us were home together for two weeks straight! It was indeed a lot of togetherness. Fortunately the studying, the tests, and the career transition is complete and he’s enjoying working in his new field!
5. I’m an NASM-CPT!
Which brings me to my final point. The main reason I haven’t been as focused on the blog lately (and subsequently haven’t been a great responder to comments — I’m so sorry!) is because I, too, have been studying my booty off for the last few months. I totally vague-blogged in November about it and it’s time to come clean. In my Thanksgiving runfessional, I said “I have some stuff in the works for 2018” and then I kinda left it at that.
I don’t share the really BIG stuff with many people for fear of failure. You know, like how I don’t share with anyone I’m racing a 5K until after the fact? Because what if I don’t PR or get any type of win? Same thing here. I told a handful of people about this because — what if I failed? Better to keep some things on the down low until they’re over. But that’s just how I roll.
For many years I’ve been considering becoming a personal trainer and I finally committed to making it a reality as one of my goals for 2018. I registered for the National Academy of Sports Medicine Certified Personal Trainer (NASM-CPT) course in November and have been busy studying ever since.
I’ve spent the last few months poring over textbooks, scribbling notes, studying human anatomy books and graphics, and learning all about the human movement system. I feel like I’ve been living in a cave since December. But I’m proud to finally share with you that I passed my exam and all the studying and stressing about it is over! I’m breathing much easier now and have been breathing huge sighs of relief ever since I finished the exam. Whoohoo! Plus, earning my NASM nutrition certification has always been a goal of mine and I am proud to say I have achieved this!
So now you know why I had to drop a day of blogging and what I’ve been up to for the last few months! I’m ecstatic to have my life back and to start posting more and interacting more with YOU. Between the running injury, seasonal affective disorder, and studying for the NASM-CPT exam, life was mentally taxing for a much longer time than I was comfortable. But I made it!!
Thank you for supporting me during this time even if you didn’t know you were. I can’t WAIT to put my training to good use with my runners and personal training clients, and to bring more knowledge to my training posts. I also can’t wait for this weather to pass so I can run outside again and create some solid running goals for 2018!
Have an amazing weekend, my friends!
Let’s talk!
Do you keep big life moments a secret until they’re over?
What’s a fitness/training topic you’d like to see covered in a future post here?