Join me for the Burpees, Planks, and Push-Ups challenge! It’s a fun one. Are you ready?
Welcome to 2018, my friends. As I runfessed on Friday, I’ve let poor food choices and lack of heart-pumping workouts get the better of me. I’ve gained so much weight that my stretch pants are now a bit snug. My stretch pants, people. How does that even happen?
While I know I won’t be a perfect eater, nor will my fitness level be the same as it was until I’m back to running 4-5 times per week, I’m making changes to positively affect my body, my health, and my outlook on life. These are the changes I’m making:
1. Cycling more. I’ll be cycling as much as I would be running. I need to get my cardio to the level it was at before to feel comfortable and relaxed. No excuses.
2. Making better food choices. Instead of choosing cookies and candy, I’ll opt for fruits, veggies, and whole grains.
3. Doing more yoga. The times I’ve felt the best about my fitness levels were also the times when I was consistently doing yoga. Time to get back to that.
4. Burpees, push-ups, and planks. You read that right! I’m taking the entire month of January to focus on burpees, push-ups, and planks. And I’m hoping you’ll join me for a little challenge.
Why Burpees, Planks, and Push-Ups?
Burpees, push-ups, and planks are three of my favorite exercises. Ever. Here’s why:
Burpees are amazing in and of themselves. They are strength and cardio in one. I prescribe burpees to my clients all the time. I tell them if there’s one exercise you have time or ability to do, make it the burpee. It challenges and strengthens all systems of your body. It’s effective, challenging, and requires no equipment. So the question isn’t “why burpees?” It’s “why NOT?”
How to do them:
From a standing position, squat down, put your hands on the ground in front of you, and jump your legs back so you’re in a high-plank position. From there, do a push-up, then jump your feet back in toward your hands, and jump up. That’s one burpee.
Variation: If this is too hard, you can skip the push-up. Simply jump your legs out to high-plank position and then jump them back in toward your hands.
There are so many variations of the plank and that’s why they’re on this list. Side planks, forearm planks, high planks, plank up-downs, partner planks — the list just goes on and on! Planks are incredibly effective for runners as they strengthen the arms, core, back, and even the glutes and quads. Everyone should do planks.
How to do them:
High-plank: Hands on the ground, legs straight out behind you. Be sure to keep a straight line from your head to your feet (aka, no butts high up in the air) and your belly drawn in strong. Engage your core.
Forearm plank: same position except instead of your hands, you’ll be on your forearms — your elbows to the tips of your fingers will be flat on the ground.
Variations: there are lots of variations of the planks. If you know them (side plank, for example) and are comfortable doing them, please feel free to use at your discretion.
Not everyone likes push-ups — including me. But everyone should. When I first started challenging myself to push-ups, I couldn’t even do one. Not one. That was just three years ago. These days I can easily do 20. (And by easily I mean I can do 20. For me, they’re never easy.) There are some days I do 20 just to get them done. Then there are other days I do five to see how low I can go. Push-ups work a lot of your body but what I love about them most is how they work both my core and my arms.
How to do them:
From high-plank position, lower your body toward the ground as low as you can safely go. Push your body back up to high-plank position. That’s one push-up.
Variation: If a standard push-up is too hard, you can do a wall push-up, an incline push-up (like on a step, for example), or you can do knee push-ups.
Now that you know some of my favorite exercises, why they’re awesome, and how to do them, you’re you ready for the challenge. Onward!
Burpees, Planks, and Push-Ups Challenge
For this challenge, you’re going to need a space big enough to do some jumping and planking. You don’t need a whole lot of room but you don’t want to be kicking over Great Aunt Ethel’s crystal vase.
We’re going to start off easy but build up to a whole lotta burpees, planks, and push-ups by the end. Since we’re beginning on a Wednesday, weeks 1 and 5 will be short. Sundays will always be rest days. Here’s the breakdown:
Week 1
Wednesday — 20 push-ups
Thursday — 30 burpees
Friday — 90 second plank
Saturday — 30 push-ups
Sunday — REST
Week 2
Monday — 40 burpees
Tuesday — 2 minute plank
Wednesday — 40 push-ups
Thursday — 50 burpees
Friday — 2 1/2 minute plank
Saturday — 50 push-ups
Sunday — REST
When you feel like quitting, think about why you started.
Week 3
Monday — 60 burpees
Tuesday — 3 minute plank
Wednesday — 60 push-ups
Thursday — 70 burpees
Friday — 3 1/2 minute plank
Saturday — 70 push-ups
Sunday — REST
Week 4
Monday — 80 burpees
Tuesday — 4 minute plank
Wednesday — 80 push-ups
Thursday — 90 burpees
Friday — 4 1/2 minute plank
Saturday — 90 push-ups
Sunday — REST
It comes down to one simple thing: how bad do you want it?
Week 5
Monday — 100 burpees
Tuesday — 5 minute plank
Wednesday — 100 push-ups
Of course, this is a challenge so if it seems hard that’s because it is. Having said that, if something feels too hard or you can’t make the targeted numbers for each day, no sweat. Don’t even worry about it. You don’t have to do the entire amount of each exercise in one go. You can split it up through the day if that’s easier. Be sure to bookmark this post so you can refer back to it throughout the month.
If you do choose to participate, take selfies and tag me (@running_onhappy on Instagram and Twitter) using hashtags #NoExcuses and #RunningOnHappy for your chance to win an amazing surprise prize pack. The more you participate and tag, the greater your chances of winning. For extra accountability, join me in my challenge group on Facebook! Remember, this challenge begins TODAY (1/3) and ends on Wednesday 1/31.
ARE YOU READY? Let’s have some fun!
Let’s talk!
Psssst…! Do you follow me on Instagram? If not, you should because I’m offering a FREE MONTH of coaching! Interested? Check out the details by clicking here.
Have you ever done a burpees, planks, and push-ups challenge?
Which exercise do you struggle with most?