I’m not going to lie. This is going to be a straight-up, discombobulated, race week post of nonsense. You with me? Cool. In truth, I really wanted to write a “reflection” post of sorts or at least a “race day superstitions” type post. That post may still come at some point this week, but I’ve got a lot to pack and a lot of lists to check off before I leave town so this will be more of a fun post today — with memes!
What I Tell My Athletes Before a Race… in Memes
I’m a running coach. I have a running coach. I’m friends with running coaches. No amount of knowledge and advice will ever soothe my anxiety over race day. It is what it is with me. I know this about me and I’ve come to accept it. Sometimes my race anxiety is worse than other times. Race anxiety is totally, 100% normal. Some even classify it as necessary. Thankfully, I happen to be one of those people. I work best under pressure. Term papers, work projects, you name it. When the pressure is on is when I perform my best. And so it is with running…
Marine Corps Marathon will be my second marathon. I’m fully trusting my training and have a positive outlook going into this race. Even so, there are a few things I would say to my athletes that I can’t actually figure out how to say to myself, and even when I do say meaningful things to myself, they don’t make sense… Which is why it’s a blessing to have a coach. Having that unattached third party perspective is really helpful when you’re the one going through the race week, taper confusion. Check out the advice I would give to my own clients before a race… but what I hear from myself — in memes!
Trust the training.
What I’m really thinking:
Hydrate really well the week leading up to the race.
What I’m really thinking:
Don’t go out too fast!
What I’m really thinking:
Try to aim for even or negative splits.
What I’m really thinking:

My coach sent this one to me. Haha
Make sure you lube liberally.
What I’m really thinking:
Have fun and smile for pictures!
What I’m really thinking:
You’re going to have an amazing race!
What I’m really thinking:
I’ve given advice countless times — to friends, family, clients — you name it. But there’s something about receiving advice from someone else that makes it much easier to absorb and internalize, and yes even follow. I’m grateful I’ve been able to counter my lunacy with my coach. Hopefully you have someone to give you good, solid race day advice before your next big race! (And if you don’t, hit me up. I’m happy to help. 🙂 )
Join Lora Marie, Susie, Debbie, and myself for the Running Coaches’ Corner linkup every Wednesday. We love reading your running stories, racing tips, and coaching strategies. Scroll to the bottom of this post to add your link!
Don’t forget to link up on Friday for the Friday Five 2.0 — the topic is “free.” November and December themes will be posted on Friday.
Have a great weekend, lovelies!
Are you able to take your own advice before a big race?
Do you use a running coach? (If your answer is no — why not?!)

Also linking up with Nicole, Annmarie, Jen, and Michelle for Wild Workout Wednesday.