A couple weeks ago I mentioned runger and hanger and how running a lot of miles or physically exerting yourself more than your usual fitness routine can lead to incredible and seemingly insatiable amounts of hunger. But have you ever stopped and paid attention to what you’re craving immediately following a tough workout? For me, these cravings run the gamut of overly large and plentiful salads all the way to copious amounts of grease-laden pizza. But more often than not, my body craves fresh fruits and veggies.
After my long run this past weekend, my husband asked what I wanted for lunch and all I could think about was a salad overflowing the bowl with very specific ingredients. Why the specific ingredients? I can’t know for certain but I lean toward the ingredients being full of the vitamins and minerals I just depleted my body of over the course of 18 miles. Check it out:
Post-Run Replenishment Salad
- 1 C kale, torn into bite sized pieces
- 1 C green leaf lettuce, torn into bite sized pieces
- 1/2 zucchini, diced small
- 1 apple, diced small
- 1/2 C chickpeas, drained and rinsed
- 1/3 C dried cranberries
- 1/2 C shredded carrots
- 1-2 Tbsp vegetarian Bac-Uns
- 2 Tbsp dressing of your choice
Layer the salad, drizzle the dressing, eat and enjoy! (Or if you’re coming off of an 18-miler, shovel and enjoy.)
You can see from the ingredients I was clearly needing major replenishment. I highly recommend this salad since it has a variety of carbs, fats, and proteins.
The next time you run long or have a tough workout, pay attention to what your body is asking you to refuel with — it might just be that you’re missing critical carbs, fats, and proteins and you may be able to incorporate them more readily throughout the week leading up to a particularly hard workout. I’ll talk more about that in the next couple weeks on the Running Coaches’ Corner linkup. Interesting stuff!
Do you notice a particularly craving you have often after a hard sweat session?
What’s your favorite salad dressing?
And now it’s time for the fabulous Meatless Monday linkup with Annmarie and me! Follow us each week as we share meatless recipes and other food tips with you. Don’t forget to link up and read others’ posts!

Linking up with Confessions of a Mother Runner and A Whisk and Two Wands for Meatless Monday, Marathons and Motivation for Fitness & Food, and the Running Coaches’ Corner!