You know those people that complain about the taper? Well, let me just tell you… being benched is a lot worse than tapering. At least with the taper you’re still allowed to run! In the spirit of the Friday Five, here are five bad things that have happened to me since being on short term IR…
1. I set my oven on fire.
I briefly made mention of this earlier this week — I set my oven on fire. And what’s worse is that I was so discombobulated I didn’t even know what to do. Instead of calmly turning off the oven and putting out the fire, I ran around the house screaming for help. While my oven was on fire.
Are you freaking kidding me?! I SET MY OVEN ON FIRE!!!!
And I lost my favorite IU oven mitt in the process. #firstworldproblems
2. I broke a Pyrex dish.
Seriously. Come ON! Someone keep me out of the kitchen for realz. How did this happen, you ask? I was taking a dish out of the cabinet and the one underneath shattered. How the sh*t does that happen? #taperinjurymadness
3. I forgot to make dinner.
I make a weekly menu (don’t judge) so every day I know what I’ll be making for the evening, thus eliminating the “uh oh, what’s for dinner” scramble. I knew what I was making but, of course, I forgot how long it took to make, so I scrambled anyway. We didn’t eat dinner until almost 7 pm. Unheard of in my house.
4. I forgot to make dinner. Again!
Someone please turn off the lights on this week. Again, I knew what to make ahead of time. But again, I underestimated the time. This time by hours. I thought my recipe was a 30-minute dish but it was really a 6-8 hour slow cooker meal! In my defense, those two recipes are very similar so it could have happened to anyone. But it didn’t. It happened to me. Because I’m injured.
5. I killed our sea monkey.
Okay, fine. This was likely going to happen anyway. But it was still curiously sad when it did. We’ve had this particular sea monkey living with us since at least the beginning of August. One morning I saw my little sea monkey friend, and the next afternoon he was on the bottom of the tank. RIP little sea monkey buddy.
Well, that about sums up my adventures with injury. I will never complain about taper again… no, seriously.
Who’s racing this weekend?! When and where?
Have you ever experienced #tapermadness??