I’ve been reading lots of bloggers’ posts recapping last week and I must say, there most definitely is something in the water because it turns out almost every post I read had a negative vibe to it. And honestly? I’m no exception! Since so many of us had an off week, I’m calling time change on this one. Fun fact: did you know that there’s a roughly 17% increase in traffic accidents the Monday after we “spring forward?” It’s no wonder so many of us had wonky weeks last week!
In terms of spring training, I had a pretty good week. Coach Mark gave me some seriously tough workouts which really tested my resolve — physical and mental — but I made it through to the other side in good spirits and feeling well. Here’s how the week went:
The Week of Tough Workouts: Spring Training Week 10
“What doesn’t kill you, makes you stronger.”
Tuesday — 8.75 miles
I was forewarned by my coach that Tuesday’s workout would be tough. But I grossly underestimated just how challenging it would be. It was also Day 1 of Stella, so I was on the treadmill when I would have preferred the track. Do what you can with what you have. I ended up completing the first of three tough workouts for the week despite wanting to quit — and I’m glad I did.
Wednesday — 5 miles + hips/glutes
Wednesday was an easy run. Nothing fancy. Just miles. It was a welcome change from Tuesday.
I also went to see a new chiropractor on Wednesday. He pinpointed my problem immediately and proceeded to administer some very painful ART. But… I’m a believer. I’m now six days out from the appointment. I’m still sore where he worked his magic. But the pain I initially went in for? Gone. This is an issue I’ve been plagued with since last summer when I was training for Marine Corps. This guy is magic.
I did a little bit of strength training when I got home but let’s face it, not much. My calf was incredibly tender so it was hard to do anything with proper form.
Thursday — 6 miles
On Thursday I had the second of three tough workouts on deck. The deal was, if I was still fatigued from Tuesday’s workout I was supposed to go easy. If I felt okay I should do the speed work as written.
I’m sure you know what I did. I don’t back down from a challenge. Faster running you want? Faster running you get. Mission: accomplished.
And I got my new watch on Thursday. Isn’t it pretty?
Friday — training session
I got my a$$ handed to me on Friday. I knew I would going into it, but I wasn’t sure how much. I had signed up for a complimentary training session with a local trainer. I’ve never worked one on one with someone before so I knew this would be a challenge. It was super fun. He had me doing all sorts of crazy stuff I had never done before. I did 55 burpees. ARE YOU KIDDING ME? The most burpees I’ve ever done in one day is 15. Thank god I wasn’t sore come Saturday morning or I would have been in trouble. Talk about tough workouts…
Saturday — 18.02 miles
18 miles. My longest run since Marine Corps. It was hard. We ran an impossibly hilly route. I knew this run would be a battle and I had prepared myself, but miles 14-16 were the worst. We were just far enough away that it felt like an eternity to get back to our cars but close enough that I knew if we just ran a little farther the run would be over. It was a real mindf%ck, if you want the truth. The last two miles were mostly downhill. I love downhill running. But I was hurting so much that I couldn’t even enjoy the downhill. That’s what I call tragic.

Thank goodness for friends who push you when you want to quit!
As a whole, the run was fantastic. I ran with my two good friends and we had some ridiculously hilarious conversations. It definitely helped pass the time. My nutrition was on point, though I was a bit jealous of Carole’s pb&j. It made me think back to all the weird food I ran with in 2015 and had me wondering why I wasn’t carrying a pb&j, too. Next 18-miler I’ll be sure to pack #allthefood.
Remember my trainer experience on Friday? DOMS made an ugly appearance on Saturday afternoon after running all the miles. I felt like I had run a hard, fast marathon. Stairs? Nope. Not happening. But I slept like a rock. #silverlining
Sunday — 1.44 miles
My first 5K training group of 2017 finally met in person on Sunday and it was a blast! The athletes I’m training now are definitely up for any challenge I throw their way. We ran a fun drill halfway through running time and we finished up with a challenging workout. And Trixie came along to keep us company. 🙂 It was super fun. I’m really looking forward to watching these individuals grow as runners and athletes.
Looking ahead
This week will be another challenging week. More tough workouts and a fast finish long run on Friday (which I’m oddly looking forward to). I’m hoping the weather cooperates and I can get outdoors for most of my running this week but only time will tell.
I’m really pleased with how training is going this time around. I’ve been very focused on the ‘extras’ and staying mostly injury-free. I know I can keep it up but I just hope it pays off in the end. My goal race is coming up at the end of April, and then I’ll be training for Grandma’s full throttle.
Annnnnnd… the ladies from the Tuesdays on the Run linkup want to know what my favorite local race is? Well, since there are so many awesome ones, I can’t choose just one. So instead, I’ll just leave this right here: One more day until MCM lottery day!
I can’t wait. My palms are already sweating just thinking about it.
Have you ever worked with a trainer that gave you tough workouts?
Are you entering the MCM lottery?
Linking up with My No-Guilt Life, Marcia’s Healthy Slice, and MCM Mama Runs for Tuesdays on the Run, and HoHo Runs and MissSippi Piddlin’ for the Weekly Wrap.