Happy Friday! Since it’s the last Friday of the month, it’s time for Friday Five 2.0 meets April Runfessions — one of my favorite posts of the month! (Sidenote: how on earth is it already almost May?!) What will you runfess this month?
I runfess…
April Runfessions: Thoughts on Running and Mom’ing
1. I’ve been a little scatter-brained this month.
I actually can’t believe it’s already the April Runfessions. Which isn’t like me at all. I’m one of the most organized people I know. But all of a sudden racing, family stuff, coaching, and kid activities seem to be happening all at once. To say I’m a little discombobulated would be putting it politely. I’m hoping there’s some normalcy in my routine again soon. I need to get back to neutral and reset.
2. I wish I could have enjoyed my PR on Sunday a little more.
Now that I’m five days out, I’m definitely more satisfied which is a nice feeling. But those first few days were kind of a bummer because I was so disappointed about my IT bands. Looking back I can see the effort spelled out in my split paces, and I know I rocked the race.
3. I may or may not have avoided calling my chiropractor this week like I told him I would.
In my defense, I was banged up and a little emotionally raw. I bravely called on Wednesday and got in to see him under the agreement he would take it easy on me. (He did. But not that easy. I still left with some welts!)
4. In 2018, I’m going to dial back the distance running and focus on the 5K.
You heard it here first, folks. And it’s true. The 5K is my favorite race distance. Why I choose insane distances over my favorite, short distance race is beyond me. My body does better for 5Ks, my mind does better — it’s just a better overall fit. Plus not training for all these crazy long races will give me more time with my family…
5. Speaking of my family, I’m starting to wish I had more time as “mom” for my kids.
I do really enjoy need time away from my kids, and I like working and being busy, but sometimes I feel like I’m being stretched too thin. I have big plans to streamline what I’m doing so I have enough time for everything and not just one or two things. It will make a big difference in the quality of time I spend with my little people. If I play my cards right it will help keep me sane, efficient, and present.
I technically have a race this weekend. I don’t know if I’m gonna do it, though. I’m still feeling the wrath of injury. I ran 3 miles on Thursday and everything felt fine, but I could tell later in the day that I’m most definitely still in recovery mode. Tbd on that one.
Have a lovely weekend, my friends. See you back here on Monday for a delicious Meatless Monday recipe!
What’s one fun thing you have planned for the weekend?
Do you ever find yourself crunched for time and/or possibly scatter-brained?