First things first. It’s FRIDAY! Wahoo!
I have a few housekeeping items to address before today’s post. I’m in the middle of reorganizing the recipes on my blog and I would be remiss if I didn’t mention it to you at some point over the next few days. It turns out I have a ton of recipes and when I made the switch from Blogger to WordPress, I didn’t adequately categorize so I’m a bit backlogged so to speak. On the off chance that someone reading this post is simultaneously searching for a recipe, now I feel better that you’re an informed reader. 😉
Second, I had a rather random post ready for yesterday. Thursdays are the best because they’re for Thinking Out Loud. And I usually very much enjoy a good TOL post. But for some reason when I went to hit ‘publish,’ I started second guessing myself. Why? No clue. I’m happy with what I upcycled because everyone needs 19 Reasons to Get Off Your Butt but it wasn’t as random as it was going to be. In retrospect, both good posts. Both very different.
And third — and I’m sure this is going to open Pandora’s box which is one of the reasons I’ve kept quiet about it on my blog (until now) — to say I’m uneasy about the incoming administration is a complete understatement. I was hoping to be in DC for the Women’s March but unfortunately plans fell through so now I’m hoping to attend the march here in Cleveland. Since my mind has been riddled with anxiety since November 8th, now is as good a time as ever to address it. Therefore, I have decided to sidestep today’s posted theme for the Friday Five 2.0 and go with this instead:
5 Concerns About the Incoming Administration
If you don’t feel comfortable talking politics, that’s cool. I won’t take offense. But if you do, and you feel the need to comment, I ask that you keep it clean and respectful. We are all entitled to our opinions and for that I am truly grateful. This, however, is my space and not public domain. If commenting gets out of control, I will delete malicious and inappropriate comments, and turn off the feature completely. Play nice.
1. Education.
I don’t agree with any of Trump’s cabinet picks. But his pick of Betsy DeVos has my head rolling. If you watched any of her hearing you’ll know what I’m talking about. Particularly galling are the clips of her “answering” questions from Tim Kaine as well as Elizabeth Warren. But what bothers me most about her? Her dumbass smile the entire time. It’s like she was prepped not to answer a question. And why would she anyway? She doesn’t actually have an answer is why. It’s the old “smile and look pretty” trick that so many women have worked tirelessly to eliminate from the workplace. Like pleading the fifth but for women. In the 1940s.
2. Women’s health. And rights. And livelihood.
I can’t even. Seriously. I want to. But there are so many things. And so many angry feelings.
Point number two is #whyImarch.
3. Affordable Care Act.
Are there issues with the Affordable Care Act? Yes, of course. But should it be scrapped completely without any sort of plan in place to take over? Absolutely not. The Affordable Care Act has helped millions of people receive healthcare they otherwise could not afford. I’m so worried about how far we will step back if the ACA is crumpled up and tossed in the trash.
4. In 140 characters or less…
Seriously? A complete lack of professionalism from the get-go. It keeps getting worse with every tweet. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: Can someone please turn off this guy’s twitter?!
5. Overall safety of my family and me.
There’s been an influx of hate crime since the election. And frankly, this is not okay. Not now, not ever. A few of the issues that have kept me up at night:
This example of anti-Semitism:
And this one, too:
And most recently, this headline:
“Politician Arrested for Pinching Woman’s Genitals ‘Said He No Longer Had to Be Politically Correct‘”
These reasons only graze the surface of the tip of the iceberg when it comes to my trepidation about the incoming administration. There are so many unanswered questions. What was the extent of Russia’s involvement in getting Trump elected? What is Putin holding over Trump that has made this presidency even possible, or desirable, to Russia? How did Trump and his campaign dupe so many people into believing him when the truth was staring us all in the face? How did the US suddenly become the laughingstock of the world? I feel as though the majority of Americans are now scratching their heads, mulling over the question, “how did we get here?”
To be sure, I am not anti-Conservative and not anti-Republican. I am pro working together and pro finding common ground. Half of my family is Democrat, half is Republican. And who’da thunk we agreed on most subjects? Because we are reasonable, intelligent people and when we disagree we can find common ground. My hope, despite my concerns, is that the next four years won’t be nearly as tragic as millions of Americans are imagining and we (our elected officials) in fact do end up working together and more productively than in the past.
Happy Inauguration Day all. And to those of you marching this weekend, be safe, be smart, and be strong.
“May love and laughter light your days,
and warm your heart and home.
May good and faithful friends be yours,
wherever you may roam.
May peace and plenty bless your world
with joy that long endures.
May all life’s passing seasons
bring the best to you and yours.”
-Old Irish Blessing