All right, folks. It’s been a while. I apologize. It appears all I know how to talk about is fitness and healthy eating habits. It also doesn’t help that I’ve been in an incredible funk for the last week and a half.
A few big things have been going on. First, my dad has been visiting from out of town for the last month. It has been chaotic and fun. I’m not blaming my dad on my lack of blogging, but I’m pretty sure his visit has played a small role in it. 🙂
Second, two of my close friends have recently become pregnant. This is very exciting news! But of course, it has sent me into a tailspin of “what if’s” and “should we’s” and other such questionable thought processes.
Third, one of my friends, a former stay-at-home-mom, is going back to work for a couple of months. This, of course, has dumped even more questionable thought processes onto my plate of life.
I feel like every time I know the answers, I turn a corner and new doubts are tossed into the ring. Once I finally work through any sort of internal conflict, another one arises. This time, there are these huge life changes happening to completely different people, yet I cannot help but to live through them like they are happening to me.
I haven’t been on the treadmill in a full week. Maybe that’s where the problem has roots. I haven’t been able to run through my thoughts and make sense of things. There hasn’t been 30+ minutes of time to cleanse my outlook and start anew.
Thankfully tomorrow is a new day. I’ll run my worries away and make sense of my life again. And then maybe I’ll come back with something important to say.
Talk to you tomorrow, friends.