I run a lot. And I love it — a lot. I love seeing how far I can run, how fast I can run, and I love the feeling after a great run. But sometimes, when I’m in the throes of a training cycle and the rigors of training are wearing on me, I begin daydreaming about the other activities I could be doing and trying instead of running. Everyone needs something to do on rest day, right? If you are a bit of a gambler then you may wish to use this pussy888 download link 2021, whilst some of you may prefer to spend the day baking! Having a wide range of hobbies is definitely a good thing!
5 Activities I Love When I’m Not Running
1. Trail running
I know, I know. Trail running is still technically running. Except that it’s not. In trail running you get to run wide path, packed trail. Single track, technical trail. Uphills, downhills. Over roots, through the creek, sometimes over trees. When I’m in training for a road race, I can’t mix it up too much. My body doesn’t like it at all. So I daydream about trail running in the off season…
2. Yoga
I’m not really a yogi. Like, at all. I can follow along if the instructor is patient (confession: I’ve only taken two in-person yoga classes) or if the video is easy. I’d like to think I know a lot of poses, but I don’t think I really do. I wish I had more time to spend on yoga because it seems like a lot of fun.
3. Canoeing
I love canoeing. It’s my happy place. But it’s seasonal, and depending on where you go or the type of canoeing you’re doing, can be very time consuming. I think if I ever quit running, canoeing will be my sport of choice.
4. Hiking
When my running is derailed and I take up my canoeing career, I’ll be on the trails on foot, too. But with boots on, not shoes. I hold a special place in my heart for hiking. I grew up hiking in the north woods. I have fantastic memories of my formative years in the woods and I get the same warm, fuzzy feeling every time I’m standing on a trail with my kids and dogs, walking over the fallen pine needles, entering each different “room” along the way.
5. Stretching and Strengthening
I know how ridiculous this sounds, because a) who really wants to stretch and strengthen and b) why would this be on my list when I already do it? I’ll tell you why — I don’t do it enough. If I had more time in the day, I would focus much more time and energy on stretching and strengthening because I know how much better of a runner I could be if I did. But I don’t have the time in the day so when I’m in training, I choose running over anything else.
I’m going to make a really concerted effort to be more balanced with my next training cycle. The issue becomes marathon training because there are literally so many miles that go into it. But now that my kids are older, it’s easier to take them hiking and canoeing, and heck maybe I’ll even be able to take my son trail running with me next summer!
Don’t forget to link up with Fairytales and Fitness and me for the Friday Five 2.0 linkup! Have a great weekend. 🙂
Do you find yourself cutting time out of other things when you’re in training?
What’s your favorite secondary activity?