It’s been a really busy week and I haven’t been able to jump back into blogging life until the middle of the afternoon most days. When I logged on yesterday, though, I saw I had so many comments and love for my post. I gotta say, you guys are the best. I love reading all your comments! Thank you.
First Day of Preschool, MCM Anxiety, + Visitors from Afar
This week was my little dolly’s first week of preschool!
Last week was my son’s first day of school and he had a blast. My daughter says she hasn’t met anyone yet but all the teachers adore her, so I’m certain she’s already making waves (in a good way!). I think she loves it but I’ll know more after about another week maybe.
I have MCM anxiety…
Can I just say something? As much as I’m thrilled/honored/excited/pumped to be running the Marine Corps Marathon this year, I’m equally as panicked/annoyed/unimpressed. Washington, DC is my all-time favorite city. If I could move anywhere in the world, it would be there.
But all this nonsense with the Metro and public transportation being unreliable — and now the announcement from MCM about course and timing changes — it’s all kinda making me panic just a tad. I’m sure all will be well and good come race day, but geesh — it’s giving me anxiety already! I don’t want to sound like a Debbie Downer because I’m totally not. I can’t wait for race day but man, oh man… I think I need to talk to someone about calming this down for a limited time, just so I can reset my nerves and get my head straight! I have a friend who uses medical marijuana, and can order weed online montreal to help them out. The scienece does check out: She uses it as a helpful relaxer during her stressful moments, it does seem like a viable option nowadays, so it is worth a look. I might have to look for weed delivery near me, as I’m pretty busy, so having it come to my door will free up some time!
In other news, my parents are coming to visit soon!
My dad will be here in October and then my mom is coming in November. I’m so excited — it’s been far too long since I’ve seen them! They both live in PHX so we don’t get to see them as often as we’d like. Definitely looking forward to some quality time.
Annnnnnd, one last thing before we part ways —
I got to see one of my oldest friends this week! He moved to Hawaii seven years ago and I don’t even remember if I saw him the last time he was in town five years ago. But this time we made a solid effort to hang out, and it was amazing. He’s one of my favorites of all time so it was really good to see him.
Plus, this gem surfaced… oh my! Something was super hilarious apparently. Also, check out my kicks. Old school runners. Not even sure why I had them seeing as I had much better things to do in high school!
That sums up my randomness for this week. Thanks for stopping by.
What’s one thing grand that happened to you this week?
Who was your last visitor that you haven’t seen in a while?

A little creepy doll photo on your way out. You’re welcome. 🙂
Linking up with Amanda for Thinking Out Loud Thursday.