It’s been approximately three years since I’ve been on vacation. That’s right. Three years. As such, I’m overwhelmed with excitement for my first venture to Cape Cod. I’m fascinated with history, of which the area is obviously steeped in, and I have a hankering for seafood. It’s like a match made in Massachusetts heaven if you ask me.
5 Foods I Can’t Wait to Devour on Vacation
1. Lobster roll.
2. Lobster.
Minus the roll. Give me a lobster tail and some butta and I’m goooooood.
3. Clam chowder.
New England, of course.
4. Fried clams.
Okay so this one I don’t really care for but my husband was told they’re delicious so I’m willing to give it a try. I figure even if I don’t like the fried part, I’ll at least like the clams!
5. Steamers.
Could I eat anymore seafood?
I’ll also be running quite a bit on vacation so hopefully my caloric expenditure and intake will balance out. But if it doesn’t, it’s all good because #seafood.
Happy weekend!
Clam chowder: New England or Manhattan?
What’s your favorite type of seafood?
Linking up with Friday Five, Fitness Health & Happiness, and Friday Favorites.