While I talk a lot about running, and it is quite obviously my passion, I’m also very passionate about living healthy on a larger scale. There are some folks who may struggle with what has become second nature to me. Over the years, I’ve garnered some real-life experience in the healthy-living department. I want to break it down to 7 very simple, easy ways you can start improving your overall health and well-being NOW.
7 Ways to Improve Your Health NOW
1. Drink more water.
Do you remember learning that the human body is made up of 90% water? Well, that may be a stretch. But the human body is indeed made of 45-65% water for a healthy adult. Our bodies need water in order for our organs, skin, joints — you name it — to function properly and efficiently. Put down your diet whatever, and fill up a water bottle with good ol’ H2O.
2. Go for a walk.
Walking can be just as beneficial as any other form of exercise, and it is highly underrated. In at least one study, walking has shown to be more beneficial than a more rigorous form of exercise such as running. And according to one US News article, walking 10,000 steps per day has the benefit of “feeling 4.6 years younger for women and 4.1 for men.” Win!
3. An apple a day keeps the doctor away!
Seriously. Have you tried an apple a day? Number 1, it’s delicious. And number 2, there are so many fantastic vitamins, minerals, and nutrients packed into an apple. Pectin, vitamin C, boron, quercetin, and phytonutrients. All good. All help to keep you regular, fight free radicals, and lower blood pressure. Check out this link for more detailed info. Of course it’s best to eat across the rainbow, but you get the point…
4. Get more sleep and better quality sleep.
I’ve been testing out this theory ever since that news story came out saying certain electronics were messing up our sleep patterns. And through my very own experiments, I can safely say that I agree 100% with those findings. The nights I don’t turn on the TV and turn off my phone by 9:00 pm and I read a *gasp* real book, I’m slumbering peacefully and deeply by 10:00 pm. The nights that I’ve got the TV on until 9:50 or so, check my email before bed, or read on a tablet, I toss and turn all night long. Try it. You’ll see. And as a side note, if you start exercising more (see #2 above), you’ll also get better sleep as shown here.
5. Smile!
What’s the easiest way to boost your happiness and overall health? Smile more! A simple smile can positively impact your emotional experience and memory, which will positively benefit your overall health over time. Check out this study for more! And if you’re not feeling confident about your smile, consider taking the steps you need to make you feel better about it. It might be something as simple as getting an awesome new whitening toothpaste, or you might feel you need to go and see a professional like the team at https://www.dentalimplantsusa.com/ and get your smile back!
6. Read.
Reading is a proven activity that helps to keep the brain sharp and active. Coupling reading and mental stimulation with eating well and exercising can help keep your brain safe in the future. Many of us don’t think about things like Alzheimer’s or dementia, but if we boost our brain activity now, it’s possible to delay or prevent the symptoms later in life. Plus reading is relaxing, and relaxing will release the toxins of stress. And when toxins are released, our overall health and well being is improved.
7. Love is all you need.
Positive communication in the form of hugs, kisses, high-fives — any way to show affection — has been shown to boost health — for both the giver and receiver. The wide range of benefits from expressing affection and good feelings include lower cholesterol, lower blood pressure and a stronger immune system, but most notably lower stress hormones. Here’s one study showing the positive effects of affection.
And that, my friends, are 7 super easy ways to start improving your overall health and well-being without having to make any drastic life changes. Start working on the little things now so when you’re ready for a bigger change (like taking on a new exercise regimen, or eating a plant-based diet), it won’t seem so intimidating.
What changes have you already made to improve your overall health?
Do you have any tips to add?
What are your plans for the weekend?