Coaching has its ups and downs — so does running marathons! What else am I runfessing today? A lot! Read on to find out more.
Today is the last Friday of the month and as you likely know by now, that means it’s time to fess up about all the things that have been bugging us all month long. Thank you to Marcia for hosting the Runfessional! Let’s get right to it, shall we?
Coaching Has Its Ups and Downs — and So Does Racing
It’s my last Friday as a Friday Five 2.0 hostess.
Today is bittersweet. It’s my last Friday hosting the Friday Five 2.0 with the ladies from Fairytales and Fitness. While I’ve thoroughly enjoyed hosting the Friday Five 2.0, I runfess it’s been a huge weight lifted once I told them I needed out. Being the hostess is fun but it can become a little stressful at times and I felt like the content of my blog was suffering for it.
I have a lot on my plate right now and needed to ditch some responsibilities to keep from feeling too overwhelmed. Hosting linkups was among the first responsibilities to go. While I’m runfessing about linkups, I should mention next Wednesday will be my last day as a Running Coaches Corner host as well.
Speaking of plates…
I runfess I was a terrible eater over the summer. Like, total garbage. All the crap I tell my clients not to eat. I ATE IT ALL!!! And I runfess I gained weight and it made me really sad. I started using MyFitnessPal and making sure I was consuming correct portion sizes. I only used the app for about two solid weeks but I kept the momentum going and I’m finally back down to my happy bodyweight. Yay! Happy dance! And yes, that may be a “scale” victory but I runfess, it feels damn good.
I have a lot going on in my off season!
Usually November through May are very quiet on the coaching front. I’m really hoping that’s not the case this year as I’m planning on starting adult fitness classes in November, hopefully a kids running program in the spring, and (fingers crossed!) assistant coaching high school track in the spring! I really, really hope all of this pans out. It will be hard work but SO worth it. I runfess I’ll be thrilled if the assistant coaching gig goes through. It’s been a long-term goal of mine ever since I started coaching.
Kids Run the Nation was really hard this session.
You know I love coaching Kids Run the Nation. It’s an amazing program and I love the direction it’s gone since starting the program in Cleveland last fall. But I runfess, this was the hardest session yet. I felt like a lot of the kids were there just because the parents didn’t know what else to sign them up for after school. Not all of them because plenty of them actually wanted to be there and did a great job, but certainly a few. Having kids in the program that literally have no interest in doing the activities we’re doing makes coaching the kids who want to be there incredibly difficult. I felt very uninspired during this session which made me feel really bad. I felt like I was failing these kids. But then race day happened. The kids had so much fun and blew their goals out of the water. And I was reminded why I loved coaching these kids in the first place.
Marine Corps Marathon has been an emotional roller coaster this year.
I runfess that the Marine Corps Marathon has been an insane emotional roller coaster for me this year. I’ll fill you in on all the details next week. It’s a long story — you’ll want a cup of coffee (or something stronger). I hate to keep you hanging but I have other things to focus on — like the race and packing — and I need a day or two to decompress before taking on 26.2 miles.

Can’t wait to see these AMAZING friends this weekend. They’re truly the best!
Annnnnnnd… cue all the race day feels.
And with that, I’m ending my runfessional. It’s time to start carbing up and packing all the things! I bid you all adieu, and I hope to continue seeing your posts on the Friday Five 2.0 in whatever form it takes. It’s been fun!! xxoo
ICYMI and want to get in the Marine Corps Marathon spirit, check out these posts:
26.2 Race Day Mantras to Get You Through a Marathon
26.2 Tips for the Best Marathon Experience: Marine Corps Marathon Style
The Cycle of Race Day Emotions
MCM Weekend Getaway… 2017 Edition
2017 Marine Corps Marathon Race Recap
Marine Corps Marathon Race Recap [Mission: Accomplished]
Let’s talk!
What’s on your mind this month?