I like reviewing some of my more meaningful blog posts every so often. Check out my top five fitness posts of 2018!
Every so often I like to take inventory of the blog posts that resonate with readers and others that don’t fare quite as well. This time around I’m taking a quick peek at the top five fitness posts of 2018 so far. I’m guessing some of you will remember a few of these!
Running on Happy’s Top Five Fitness Posts of 2018
1. Burpees, Planks, and Push-Ups Challenge
Coming in at number one is my Burpees, Planks, and Push-Ups Challenge. This challenge kicked off the New Year for me both in blogging and fitness, and I’m still getting hits on this post and additions to the Facebook group almost daily. Guess we all let ourselves get a little soft over the 2017 holidays, eh?
2. Supermans, Squats, and Twists Challenge
No surprise here, my second most popular post of 2018 has been the Supermans, Squats, and Twists Challenge. In this challenge we worked our backs, our core, and our powerful quad and hamstring muscles. I don’t get requests to join this group every day but it’s still quite active.
3. Strong Arms and Abs Challenge
Some of my challenges have been a little more popular than others. Clearly the Strong Arms and Abs Challenge was a winner. This one clocks it at number three of my most viewed posts in 2018. (And yes, I’m still adding people to this challenge on the daily, too!)
4. Runners: You Need to Foam Roll!
Every runner needs to foam roll. Some of us do it more frequently and more effectively than others. My post Runners: You Need to Foam Roll! breaks down foam rolling: specifically, how to use the foam roller and how long to hold each spot. Many of us have kept going back to this article for reference. I’m glad I took the time to write it.
5. Run the Year 2018 Miles
Back in January I pledged to run 2,018 miles in 2018 as part of a team. From the looks of it, many of you have either expressed interest or joined up and that’s amazing! If you’re interested in learning more, check out my post Run the Year: 2,018 Miles in 2018. (We’ve already crushed our goal, in case you were wondering — 2,064.48 miles as of 7/12!)
It’s been a busy year on the blog side and the coaching side. I’m glad my fitness posts are keeping you all busy and motivated!
Let’s talk!
Do you have a mileage goal for 2018?
Have you previously taken part in a mileage challenge?