Join me for the February runfessional where I tell all and bare my sole(s)!
Today is usually one of my favorite days of the month. The final Friday of the month — when we air our running-related grievances with Marcia’s Runfessions combined with the Friday Five 2.0. I say “usually” because this will be my second non-running runfessional in a row. I grappled with whether I should link up or not but since most of my runfessional is at least fitness related, I figured why not. Hope you enjoy my February runfessional.
February Runfessional: Baring my Sole(s)
I was finally cleared to run a couple miles a little over a week ago. I planned on starting slow and low. I ran on the treadmill so as not to tempt the running Gods and managed one mile. I took a rest day and then ran a mile and a half two days in a row. All felt right in the world. But…
When did running get so hard?
Running is really, really hard. Like, absurdly hard. I did a good job of keeping my cardio fitness in check over the last two months, but getting back to using my legs as power is a lot harder than I anticipated. Up until this point, the longest I’ve ever taken off from running was three weeks. Five more weeks apparently makes a huge difference when it comes to weight bearing vs. non-weight bearing activities.
Recovery is taking a while…
I was incredibly disappointed that I was finally feeling awesome and strong, cleared to run and then… WHAM! Hit with the flu. At the time of this writing, I haven’t done any physical therapy exercises in exactly one week. I actually had to cancel my appointment for this week because I’m a) still recovering from the flu and b) I haven’t made any progress. I did manage to run/walk for two miles, though, so I’m hopeful I’ll be able to get back to PT exercises in the next day or two.
February Runfessional
Will I be “half ready” by May 20?
I’m starting to worry that I won’t be ready to run the Cleveland Marathon — the half, anyway. The race is on May 20 which means 12 weeks of training would begin this weekend. I have no base at all to work from. I can’t even run two miles. I could choose to run the 5K, 8K, or 10K, but I’d really rather not. I love the 5K because I love running hard and fast but I’m not sure if my body would be ready for that. I’ve never run an 8K and I don’t love the 10K distance.
I don’t know what to do.
I’m stuck in the Upside Down!
I’ve got cabin fever. BAD. It’s a combination of winter, cold air, and gloomy skies, and then being sick and not running. Wicked bad combo if you ask me. The days that it’s sunny (which are rare) make me long for warm, summer days all the more. I can’t recall a longer winter in recent history. It’s been cold since Halloween and I’ve been stuck there ever since. Almost like I’m stuck in the Upside Down. Except it’s real life and it’s really winter. To say I’m looking forward to spring would be the most understated understatement of the entire century. (No, I’m not being dramatic at all.)
“The Sun will shine in my back door someday. March winds will blow all my troubles away.”
The human body is an amazing thing.
I’ve been geeking out over fitness-related stuff lately. Everything from training to the musculoskeletal system to hormones and the immune system. I already knew the human body was an amazing thing but I runfess the more I learn the more it blows my mind.
And in something completely not running related but I have to get it off my chest…
It’s been hard to be a parent of school-age children this last week. Really hard. I say goodbye to my children every morning and pray they’ll come home every afternoon — and I don’t even pray. The high school kids making waves give me hope and I would stand beside them if I could. I hope their waves turn into tsunamis that can’t be ignored.
Keep your family close not only this day but every day. Cheers to a lovely weekend with family and friends. Remember: hug a little tighter, love a little more.
Have a great weekend!