I’ve had the opportunity to try Great Lakes Gelatin Collagen Hydrolysate supplement. Find out how it’s been working for me!
This post is sponsored by Great Lakes Gelatin. These partnerships are what make Running on Happy possible. Thank you for your support!
As many of you probably know by now, I’ve taken some serious time off from running while working through a case of hamstring tendinitis. It’s been a stubborn injury and I was sidelined for eight weeks. I’ve recently begun incorporating running back into my life and I’m so grateful I can now run a mile pain-free! I attribute that to plenty of rest and recovery, as well as complementary exercises and physical therapy, and health supplements that helped my body to recover. I know there are many supplements that are great for recovery from an injury, and you can buy peptides and other types of supplements online. I’ll be talking about one of these supplements below.
Through the month of January I completed the Burpees, Planks, and Push-Ups challenge. This challenge was amazing. My body composition changed in ways I didn’t expect and I felt great. This month I’ve been focusing on the Supermans, Squats, and Twists challenge. So far I’m feeling really, really good. I’ve continued with the burpees, planks, and push-ups, too, as well as cycling 4-5 days each week. I’m so grateful I was able to keep my fitness level up throughout my recovery. Cycling and burpees aren’t the same as running, but they’re definitely a close second!
Is Collagen Hydrolysate Supplement Good for Fitness, Health, and Healing?
But let me back up. I didn’t start the burpees challenge because I needed a way to stay fit. I started it because through December I wasn’t running and I was making horrible nutritional decisions. I’d love to give you all the excuses but what it boils down to is that I wasn’t making good choices. End of story.
By the time January rolled around, I decided to take my life back. In addition to the exercises, I cleaned up my eating habits. It just so happened that during this same timeframe that I was cleaning up my diet, I was given the opportunity to try Great Lakes Gelatin Collagen Hydrolysate. I started adding Great Lakes Gelatin Collagen Hydrolysate to my morning smoothies which added more protein to my diet overall.
What is collagen hydrolysate and what is it used for?
Hydrolyzed collagen (or collagen hydrolysate) is collagen found in the bones, skin, and tissues of animals. It contains 19 amino acids — 8 of them are essential amino acids.
As we age, the collagen in our bodies decreases. Translation: our bones, joints, and skin are less flexible and hydrated, and more susceptible to breaks, tears, and injuries. If you remember from high school biology, our bodies use amino acids for hair and nail growth, as well as building and repairing soft tissues and bones. Some studies have suggested supplemental collagen hydrolysate can replace some of the collagen we lose over time. By replacing the lost collagen, our bodies are more flexible and free to move in a functional way. Which, let’s face it, is great news not only for athletes but for all of us as we age and move through the cycle of life.
Collagen hydrolysate and injuries
Now that we know what collagen hydrolysate is and why collage is important, let me tell you a story. This may be a total coincidence but hamstring tendinitis is a common injury for individuals in their late 30s to young 60s. I have to wonder if that’s due, in part, to the inelasticity of the tendons from collagen loss over the years. I briefly discussed it with a doctor and although the science isn’t there to back up this claim, I can’t help but wonder.
Here’s the further coincidence — and yes, I think my exercises and diligence with recovery played a much, much larger role overall — but could the added collagen in my diet have had any effect on my recovery and ability to stretch my hamstring further and run again? I can’t definitively answer that but it does make me say hmmm.
Collagen Hydrolysate Supplement: Fitness, Health, and Healing
Collagen and diet
You might have seen my progress picture from the January challenge. Though it’s not a huge difference, it is indeed noticeable. I attribute the change to a) cleaner eating, b) exercise, and c) addition of protein in my diet. I usually maintain a well-balanced diet, but it became obvious I wasn’t getting enough protein. With the addition of the Great Lakes Gelatin Collagen Hydrolysate, I was meeting my protein needs more efficiently and it shows!
Another thing I’ve noticed (so far) is that my nails have been growing quicker than usual. I haven’t noticed a change in my skin or hair, but I know those changes take some time. I’ll definitely continue to be on the lookout for positive changes overall.
I’ve been very pleased with my experience with Great Lakes Gelatin Collagen Hydrolysate so far. I look forward to continuing my protein regimen and see how things progress. So far, so good! As for the question “is collagen hydrolysate supplement good for fitness, health, and healing?” — I can really only answer that for myself and I’m leaning toward yes.
Interested in trying some GLG Collagen Hydrolysate of your own? Use code GLGLife20 for 20% off Great Lakes Gelatin products. But hurry because this code expires March 15, 2018!
Want to learn more about GLG Collagen Hydrolysate? Join me TODAY on Facebook for a live chat at 1:00 PM EST! Bring your friends!
Let’s talk!
Have you ever used collagen before?
What changes have you noticed?