There are a few things to runfess in this last edition of the 2017 runfessional…
Well, here we are — just three days away from a brand new, shiny year! Which brings us to our final Runfessions and Friday Five 2.0 of 2017! What a year it’s been, huh?
Before I get to the fun part — ya know, all the runfessing and whatnot — I’m taking a page from Wendy and sharing my top five posts of 2017. Drumroll, please…
Running on Happy’s Top Five Blog Posts from 2017
1. Anti-Inflammatory Breakfast Smoothie
Because who doesn’t love breakfast smoothies?!
2. Iliotibial Band Rehabilitation
ITB rehab is one of my most popular posts and for good reason — IT band pain suuuuuuuucks. Anything to keep it away, right?
3. 5 Fueling Strategies for Distance Runners
Distance running is no joke. Pre-run, during run, and post-run nutrition are all super important to complement your training and running goals. No wonder this was a popular post this year.
4. 13.1 Tips and Tricks for Your Best Race Day
Everyone could use a little advice now and again for race day! This was a fun post because not only was it a regular Running Coaches’ Corner linkup post, but a special linkup with a few other bloggers as well.
5. 5 Running Hacks: Tips and Tricks for Your Next Run
Running hacks can be super helpful, especially if you’ve never heard of some of them before. Check it out for your next run!
It’s been a fun year of blogging — can’t wait to see what’s next in 2018! But before we get ahead of ourselves, I have some things to runfess…
I Runfess: New Year Style {December 2017}
I runfess…
As much as being injured sucks (and believe me, it does), I’m totally okay with not running right now. It’s frigid outside. I’m talking single digit HIGHS — and that’s not even taking into account the “real feel,” which is more like -2˚F. During the winter I tend to hibernate (don’t we all?) and although I’m a runner and prefer running outdoors, I much prefer being warm and cozy — even if that means sweating it out on the treadmill. There seems to be an overblown, exaggerated, negative connotation associated with running on a treadmill within the running community. If you’re not lacing up in single digits, donning all the clothes, the Yaktrax, and the handwarmers, then you’re not a real runner.
I’ve got news for you, treadmill haters. I’ve logged almost 300 hours and 1,500 miles of running in 2017. I’m a real runner. And I love my damn treadmill. So yeah — I runfess that I’m good with not running outside right now. And I’m even better with not having to deal with the “guilt” of choosing a treadmill run over an outdoor run.
End rant and stepping off soapbox…
Speaking of injury, I runfess…
There are a few things I wish I would have done differently in 2017. Not regrets, per se, because I had an amazing year. But little things that added up over time and culminated in my current situation. For example, months and months ago, I started having a strange/tight sensation between my quad and hamstring. At first I chalked it up to varicose veins and I didn’t think much of it. Well, over time it continued to get worse and worse, and it became obvious it was not a varicose vein issue. I wish I had taken the sensation a little more seriously and perhaps gotten more ART done on it (I only did that once) to loosen up the muscles around it. But I was so worried about my IT bands that I didn’t possibly think something else would plague me.
And now here I am. With hamstring tendinitis. #facepalm
I runfess being a stubborn runner isn’t always a good thing…
In addition to preventatively taking care of random aches, pains, and strange sensations, I runfess I probably shouldn’t have run as many distance races as I did. OR, I should have really listened to my body and taken more rest time between training cycles. I was super burned out in the middle of summer, and I really should have been smart about it and taken some time off. But, runners tend to be stubborn so there’s that.
I runfess YOLO sometimes gets the best of me…
I might have bitten off more than I can chew with my 2018 goals. But YOLO, right? I was feeling really overwhelmed for the last few days but I do feel like I have a slightly better handle on things at this point in time. Fingers crossed I’m not being overzealous. Time will tell.
Do I have to runfess that I was a complete glutton leading up to Christmas?
I let my eating and fitness get way out of control the week leading up to Christmas. What can I say? There were cookies to be made, candies to be created, gifts to be purchased, and Christmas dinner to be had. I couldn’t run, and my bike wasn’t quite ready for me yet. I was also busy running around like a chicken with it’s head cut-off trying to accomplish all the last-minute stuff I knew I couldn’t (or didn’t want to) do once the kids were home for two weeks.
Unfortunately through my own carelessness, I’ve gained a few pounds and lost a lot of self-confidence. I’ve since hid the cookies in a place where I can find them but they’re really inconvenient to get to, and that’s made a huge difference. That and I’ve been cycling the last few days, and I’m done making excuses and having a pity party. Bring on three salads a day! #progress
Thank you so much to all of you for following me on Running on Happy this year. It’s been so much fun interacting with you. I hope you have an amazing New Year. Wishing you health, happiness, love, and success in 2018! Cheers.
Let’s talk!
Did you ever derail your own fitness and healthy lifestyle?
What are you doing to ring in the New Year?