Though my physical ability to train has changed significantly in the last few days, I won’t give up my dreams. These are my 2018 Goals and Aspirations.
I’m not generally one to complain. So I’m not gonna do that today. But I will say this: I had a draft of today’s post already written up and ready to go until the injury happened. Ya know, the one that’s sidelining me? It wasn’t too long ago that I felt ready to get back into the swing of things. My, how quickly things change!
Though my training and mindset have shifted substantially in the last seven days, I still have goals for 2018. But first, did I succeed in 2017?
My goals for 2017 were:
1. To run a marathon uninjured.
Nailed it!! First with Grandma’s Marathon and then with Marine Corps Marathon, I ran two marathons without incident. Woohoo!
2. Focus on strength and balance training.
Check! By focusing on strength training, I managed two injury-free marathons.
3. Stay in shape during the off-season.
Well, I never really had an off-season. But I did run three out of the five tune-up races I planned so there’s that. Therefore, I would say this was a success.
4. Incorporate trail running.
Nope. Didn’t do that one bit. Well, not until the last month or so. But definitely not during road training. By following the principle of specificity I was able to succeed at the road-based goals I set forth for myself.
As for my ‘B’ goals in 2017 of PRing a half, a 5K, and continuing my coursework — I didn’t PR a half but I did snag a 5K PR and I am continuing my coursework. Success with my ‘B’ goals, too. Woot!
And now for my 2018 goals…
2018 Goals and Aspirations
1. Run an ultra.
Back in August I planned on running a 50-miler in 2018. After this season of training and discussing it with my husband, I’ve decided against a 50M. I ran far too many miles in 2017 and though they yielded me many PRs (as I mentioned in my 2017 yearly review), I’m not mentally prepared to put in the amount of training, miles, and work required for a 50 miler.
Now, having said that, I was am was am prepared to run a 50K in 2018. I was so ready, in fact, that I planned on making it official and registering for one during a recent girls night. Unfortunately that was also the same day I realized I was sufficiently injured and needed to reevaluate what the heck I was doing continuing to run on an injured hammie. Needless to say, registration never happened.
My goal is still the same — run an ultra. The when and the where are very much up in the air.
2. Race and PR a 5K.
In the throes of marathon training this past season, I swore off distance running. I needed a break and vowed to focus on a fast 5K. I’m naturally a better 5K runner and yet I’ve never trained specifically for a 5K. It makes me wonder what I can do with 5K-specific training. Again, this goal is on hold until Miss Thang (aka my hamstring) cooperates. Up until last week, I had a plan for when I would train for distance and when I would train for speed. Now I don’t know which way is up.
3. Run more with Trixie.
My poor girl. She was logging so many miles with me last spring. Then it got hot and we couldn’t run together anymore. And now that it’s finally cool enough for her, I’m benched! Thankfully my husband will be running with her here and there while I’m in recovery. The girl needs some exercise!
4. Join a gym.
Totally out of character for me, I know. But one of my 2018 goals is to join a gym. I’m not a public worker-outer. I’d rather sweat in the privacy of my own home gym. Thing is, my home gym (sometimes referred to as the Pit of Misery) is teeny tiny and I don’t have an abundance of equipment. I have a few things that provide me with a good workout, and it has helped me to keep on top of my fitness so far. I would have liked to add a bit more to my home gym; for example, I came across a punching bag for apartment home gyms that I would have loved to add to mine, but of course, I have nowhere to put it. So I want to join a gym. I can use their vast array of equipment to prepare myself for the next running season. Also, with the increasing price of workout equipment, it can be difficult to get the right supplies for your routine. Some of my friends were able to afford amazing home gyms with cross trainers and chest presses and have the funds to replace things with machinery like new Precor cables and weights. If you are able to do this then go for it because you will feel more comfortable in your own environment, however, if you’re like me it’s to the gym we go. It’s worth reading about the pros and cons of having a home gym. If you’re looking for an article to help you decide, click here. I think I might join the Resolutioners in January. Wish me luck!
5. Coach new clients and Kids Run the Nation.
I’m excited to see what 2018 has in store in terms of coaching. I’ve got a killer promo ready to go on January 1st for new clients. And we’ve already got a spring session of Kids Run the Nation scheduled which I’m very much looking forward to. It’s going to be an amazing year — I can already feel it!
Hint: if you’re interested in coaching services, you might want to pay attention to my Insta feed on New Year’s Day… Just sayin…
I’m sure my running-based goals will continue to morph and transform as the details of my injury and recovery become more evident in the coming days and weeks. I’m technically looking at 6-8 weeks of recovery, but my doctor told me it could take longer. I’m playing things by ear and rolling with the punches. Life’s a journey, not a destination, right?
But more importantly, I can’t wait to see what’s in store for my runners in 2018. They have so many awesome 2018 goals already and it’s still 2017! Bring it on, New Year!
I’ll be offline on Monday (as I’m sure many of you will be as well) so I’ll see you back here on Wednesday. Hope y’all have an amazing holiday weekend. Merry Christmas to those who celebrate, and Happy Chinese-food and a movie day to those of you who don’t!
Let’s talk!
Have you ever had to significantly change your goals?
Fun plans for the holiday weekend??