There are some things that I love about fall — apple picking, the pumpkin patch, crunchy leaves — the usual stuff. Then there are the things I dislike about fall. Things like unseasonably hot days (September 2017, I’m looking at you), mosquitos, and swarms of ladybugs. Also all the hornets that seem to be very active in the hot days of early fall. No one likes those.
But on the whole, fall is a pretty awesome season. There are so many activities to do in the fall. Fall is typically a dry-ish season for us which makes it perfect for adventuring outside and spending time with friends and family.
Fall Favorites: The Best Things About Autumn
1. Chili cook-offs.
My husband is a huge football guy. Me? Notsomuch. But we can both agree on one thing. We enjoy fall/game day foods. For us, these include tortilla chips with cheese sauce (not to be confused with nachos — they’re not the same!), chili, and good beer. Our favorite fall get-togethers often involve a football game and a chili cook-off. Because let’s face it, chili is amazing. It can be meaty, it can be plant-based. It can be spicy, mild, or even sweet. Chili can serve as a side or the main meal. It’s so delicious and versatile! Chili cook-offs are one of our favorite fall activities because not only do we spend time with friends, but we often learn a new recipe! Plus, football.
2. Cooking/baking with apples.
Yes, I love apple picking. I know some people may think it’s overrated, but it’s totally not. But what’s better than apple picking is apple making. It’s the moment you get home and realize you have waaaaaay too many apples for two adults or a small family. And then you remember you have an apple crisp recipe you’ve been wanting to try. Or the apple pie that looks so delicious in the store? Apple picking —-> apple cooking/baking. And it’s the best!
3. Fall racing season.
I was trying to avoid talking about racing in this post, but I can’t help it! I love running. And there are so many awesome fall races! My fall race wish list is about a mile long. So many amazing races I would love to run in the future. We’ll see where I end up next year!
4. Bonfires.
We don’t have bonfires at my house. We just don’t have the space. And to be perfectly candid, my son has never been to a bonfire. But I asked him what one of his fall favorites was and he said, “bonfires” so I’m sticking with it. Mostly because I know how awesome bonfires are when done right. The kid’s right, right? Bonfires in the fall are the absolute best. They’re huge, they’re warm, and you get to feel all snuggly on cool fall evenings. I can’t wait to take my little people to a legit bonfire when they’re older.
5. Admiring the views.
Sometimes it’s nice just to unwind and admire the views. Fall is a quick season with a lot of visual flair. A feast for your eyes, some may say. The sunrises and the sunsets are epic. The different colored foliage and the way it changes each and every day is breathtaking. If you don’t stop to admire the beautiful colors of fall, you may miss it! A few of my fall favorites are an early morning run to see the sunrise, going for a hike to crunch on the leaves, or a lazy Sunday drive to admire the beautiful colors.
? Fall is a wonderful season. It’s quick, so make sure you take a look around and admire the beauty! Then get outside, grab some apples, and start making some pie!
Or chili. Chili’s good, too.
Have a great weekend! I’ll catch you back here on Monday.
Let’s talk!
What’s your favorite thing about fall?
Pick one: Apples or Pumpkins!