I’ve had some severe concentration issues this week, guys. I’m juggling work, blogging, end-of-school year shenanigans, and the usual household chores. But for some reason it’s been super hard for me to focus. Having said that, TGI-freakin’-F!
OH! Snap. I just realized maybe why… uh, hellllloooooo? Taper, anyone? Yeah, that’s right. I may or may not have a huge trip and/or race coming up in a week. Yowza, that snuck right up on me, didn’t it?
It’s fitting that today’s topic is “vacations” because I recently realized the times I travel I’m usually racing at my destination — aka racecations. I honestly don’t travel all that often but if you’re gonna travel, might as well make it a racecation, no?
I never really considered myself big into racecations but looking back over my race history, it turns out I do like to find new places to run. In honor of my crazy week of taper, ridiculous workouts, and questioning my sanity at times, and since it’s the Friday Five 2.0, I’m reflecting today on the four racecations I’ve taken already — and the one coming up!
Got Wanderlust? Check Out These 5 Racecations You Won’t Want to Miss!
1. Papa John’s 10-Miler
Louisville, KY
The Papa John’s 10-Miler was my first race of any distance past a 5K. It was 2014, I was newly back to running after having my daughter, and I was a nervous wreck. There were so many things up in the air: 1. I was meeting people in person I had never met before. 2. I was traveling fairly far from home and completely out of my own element. 3. I would be reuniting with my dear friend. 4. It was 10 miles. The farthest I had ever run in my life was 9.
On the plus side, it was super fun! Check out the whole recap here. I would definitely run this race again.
2. Iron Horse Half Marathon
Midway, KY
In the fall of 2014 I found myself back in Kentucky for yet another race. This time it was the Iron Horse Half Marathon. I originally heard about this race from a flyer from the Cleveland Marathon. It wasn’t too expensive and when I saw it was in the heart of horse country, I knew I had to go. I traveled to Midway, KY with my gal pal, Julie, and we had a blast. The town of Midway was super cute, and the Iron Horse Half Marathon did not disappoint. It was my first experience with humorous race day signs, too. I’ll never forget it because it still makes me laugh to this day.
If you’re ever near Midway, KY in October, I highly recommend running the Iron Horse Half. It was incredible.
3. Hoosier Half Marathon
Bloomington, IN
I stayed local in 2015, but fast forward to 2016 and I’m back to traveling for races. This time I had the opportunity to run the Hoosier Half at my alma mater, Indiana University in picturesque Bloomington, Indiana. I was super excited to run this race because it was an excuse for my husband and I to drop the kids off at the grandparent’s house and head south for the weekend.
The Hoosier Half is a hella hilly race. The course is beautiful and I love running through the town and roads of my youth, but damn those hills! Actually, while we’re talking about hills, Papa John’s and Iron Horse both had some killer hills, too. Come to think of it, if you’re a flat race kind of person, skip the races in southern Indiana and Kentucky. 😉
4. Marine Corps Marathon
Washington, D.C.
OORAH! This race I will never forget. I dealt with a major heat wave, an ITBS flare-up, and suffered through 26.2 miles, but still had the time of my life. So much so that I’m heading back again for more! The Marine Corps Marathon is unlike any race I’ve ever run. The city, the crowd support, the support of other runners, the Blue Mile — all of it. The whole package. If there’s one marathon on your bucket list, make it MCM.
5. Grandma’s Marathon
Duluth, MN
And now for the one I haven’t yet done… next week I’ll be heading up north to hike, canoe, frolic, and meander through the woods. The north woods was my home away from home for five years in my formative years, and I have some incredible memories from my time spent in the area.
Oh, I’ll also be running a race while I’m there. That’s right, in just a few short days (?!?!?!) I’ll be running Grandma’s Marathon. This will be my third marathon and I’m hoping third time’s the charm. (And if it’s not, hopefully the 4th is since I have MCM coming up in October. I digress.) I’m really hoping the stars align for beautiful weather and a lovely race day. And even if they don’t, I’ll at least have the wonderful opportunity of meeting some of my favorite bloggers in the flesh. I can’t wait!
And those are my five racecations (so far). I’m always looking for an excuse to travel and it seems like the best way to do so is to… oops! I accidentally signed up for another race… You feel me?
I bid you all a fantastic weekend. Have a blast getting those long runs in and enjoying the summer sunshine! I think we finally have some heat heading our way so I’ll be sure to get out early and enjoy the pool in the afternoons.
What’s your favorite place to visit, run, or race?
Give me one fun thing planned for the weekend: