Virtual fitness and meetings may be our future! Races, workouts, and even social time have all turned online. Find out what I’ve been doing to keep up!
I thought I’d do something a little different today and share with you some of the things I’ve been up to. Because let’s face it, sometimes it’s nice to hear about someone else’s trials and triumphs so we don’t feel so alone in the world! Especially now. Amirite?
Let me start by prefacing that, truthfully, I’m not all that busy. I stay within the confines of my house most of the time and monitor my dogs while I manage my children. It’s all very glamorous (not). But I’m lucky to be able to stay home and do my part for the health and well being of others.
Zoom workouts
Having said that, I have been running and training, and trying to keep my own business afloat by staying in contact with my athletes and clients. I’m only one week in with virtual fitness classes but it was so nice to see some of my favorite people, and I apparently work out much harder with others present because I was sore for daaaayyyyyyzz! I’m looking forward to my next virtual fitness workout scheduled for Thursday! (And if you want to join in the fun, be sure to contact me for the deets!) Virtual fitness is the future…
Need some workout ideas? Check out these options!
Virtual race into the future
Speaking of virtual fitness, I recently started yet another virtual race. It’s a race for Orange Mud ambassadors. There are several teams of 25-26 individuals and the first team to log enough miles to collectively run from Cali to NY wins. It’s 2,810 miles total so it’ll take a while. But I’m feeling good — I’ve already logged almost 12 miles and it’s only been two days! Woohoo! Go OMRATS team #2!
I suspect this won’t be the end of my participation in virtual races to be honest. I decided on Monday that I was going to begin training for another marathon — or even an ultra. Which one and when? That’s yet to be determined. At this rate, with Berlin already cancelling for September, who knows if there will be a fall marathon to even train for. I’m signed up for the Wineglass Half Marathon in October but I’m frankly not holding my breath. So a virtual marathon, or ultra, may be in my future. Or not. Who knows!
The [official] end of in-person school and track season
In more running news, and on a sadder note, we officially got word that our track season won’t happen. On the one hand, I knew it wasn’t going to. There was really no getting around it. But knowing it and hearing it from the governor are two different things. Once he closed in-person schooling for the remainder of the year, track season followed. And there was really no way to safely have a track season anyway. But it still felt like a punch in the gut. Virtual fitness may be the future but there’s no replacement for in-person sports and athletics competitions.
So no school + no track = mayhem with my track kids on social media — particularly the seniors. Man, they posted the most heart-wrenching videos. I’m selfishly sad, too, because I won’t even get to give them a last handshake.
Happy birthday!
And finally, on a totally different note, this week my dad is having a big birthday! Since I’m not able to physically see him or make him dinner and a birthday cake, I spent the better part of Monday and Tuesday baking my little heart out. I made cake balls and two different recipes of chocolate chip cookies. I’ll be delivering treats to him and then we have the whole day set up for him to receive FaceTime’s and phone calls from the entire family. I hope it brightens his day a bit!

Cookies and cake balls!
Virtual fitness is for sure going to be our future. I’m trying to embrace it and accept it but admittedly, some days are tough. Luckily there are cake balls, birthdays, kids, and dogs to help with the mental rut!
Let’s talk!
Tell me one thing you’ve been up to!
Are you a virtual race runner?