What do we know about each other? Maybe not a lot. Here are five random things you didn’t know about me! What’s one thing I don’t know about you?
Here’s a fun game today. Since I have a lot to say but can’t put my thoughts into one short, sweet, Friday Five post, I decided to go completely off topic. Maybe you’ve been following me for a while and don’t know that much about me. Or maybe you’re new here and don’t know anything about me. Well, here are five random things you didn’t know about me until today!
Five Random Things You Didn’t Know About Me
1. Once upon a time, I lived in Vegas.
It wasn’t that awesome to be honest. But it was definitely quite the experience. One time we were woken up to concussion grenades in the neighboring apartment building. That was fun. And also terrifying.
2. My childhood dog lived to be 19.
I met my bestie when I was 5 years old. He was just a puppy and I was just a little kindergartener. Growing up together sealed our bond and when I went off to college, my dog came with me. He lived to be 19 years old.
3. I love chocolate.
Okay, maybe you did know that about me. But it’s a little crazy how much I love chocolate. Remember Magic Shell? They probably still make it. Anyways, I used to eat it on a spoon. Who needs ice cream?!
4. 6 miles was my real induction into running.
Up until I ran six miles, I was just doing it to stay fit and lose some weight. But once I ran six miles in 2011, it was all over from there! And I haven’t looked back since.
5. I love all fuzzy animals.
If I could live on a farm with horses, cats, dogs, bunnies, and hamsters, I would be a happy lady. But I don’t have a farm and having all those animals in a house is frowned upon. Or so I hear. Oh, and I’m allergic to cats. But fuzzy creatures make me happy and I wish I could snuggle them all until the end of time.
6. And one for good luck…
Next week is my last week hosting the Friday Five 2.0 with the ladies from Fairytales and Fitness. It’s been amazing and I loved every week of it, but it’s time for me to make way for a new host. Plus I’ve got some really fun stuff coming up this winter and in the spring which equals too much on my plate at once! (I’ll share more on that next week!)
Have an amazing weekend, my friends!
Let’s talk!
What’s one thing I don’t know about YOU?