There are some songs that speak to me, especially during hard workouts or long runs. Check out five of my favorite workout songs that I listen to during marathon training!
Last year during marathon training I found myself listening to podcasts quite often. Something about listening to stories and conversations seemed to help pass the time, particularly during long runs. This time around, if I’m not running with a buddy or enjoying the sounds of nature, I find myself preferring music over the chatter of podcasts and news. Maybe I burnt myself out on that last year; maybe my runs haven’t gotten long enough where I’ve reached the “I’m bored of music” threshold. I dunno. I’ve done a little research into a live digital in ear system to see if that keeps me occupied whilst running. The live systems let you listen to pretty much anything, including all of my favourite music.
One thing’s for certain, when I’m doing speed workouts or a shorter run, I do enjoy listening to music. And I love all sorts of music to be perfectly honest. My playlist is varied and changing. I do have my favorites, of course — and many more than five favorites I might add. But today I’m sharing with you five songs that can be found on almost every one of my playlists — some dating back several years. Maybe we share some of the same faves?
5 Workout Songs for Marathon Training
1. Lose Yourself by Eminem
This one’s a given, no? Strangely enough, although I’ve loved Lose Yourself ever since it was released back in 2002 (!!!), I never really got into it as a workout song until recently. Now it’s one of my absolute faves and any time I’m struggling on a run or with a workout, this is the one I go to.
2. Something Just Like This (Alesso Remix) by the Chainsmokers and Coldplay
There are so many versions of Something Just Like This but the Alesso Remix is by far the best. I’m not sure why I’m so drawn to this song while I’m running but the tempo of this particularly remix makes it perfect for a faster pace. Plus, what a singable song with a great message.
3. Party Rock Anthem by LMFAO
True story: during my first Marine Corps Marathon, I accidentally turned on Party Rock Anthem on repeat. It took me about four cycles of the song to realize what was happening. At first I thought it was just an extended version of the song. But when I realized it was on repeat, I chuckled and continued to listen for one more round. What a fun song for marathon racing!
4. I Found My Soul at Marvingate by Mono Mind
I have no idea where I first heard I Found My Soul at Marvingate but I’m guessing it was on BPM or something on Sirius. It’s quickly become one of my favorite songs. It’s equal parts chill and exciting. There’s just something about it… If you haven’t heard it before, check it out and let me know what you think.
5. Twilight Vs Breathe by Adam K and Soha (feat. Haliene & Matthew Steeper)
I could listen to Twilight Vs Breathe for hours on repeat. This song really speaks to me. I like it for the middle miles of a challenging workout — or while driving, or while typing up this blog post, or while just about doing anything! It’s a great one.
And there you have it. My super weird, completely awesome, random list of workout songs for marathon training! Do we share any of the same musical loves?
Check out some of my other faves I listen to for specific types of running!
Let’s talk!
What’s your #1, all-time favorite song for a tough run or workout?
Do you have playlists dedicated to different types of running?