Check out this list of five things I would never say to a non-runner friend but would definitely say to a running partner!
Let’s start things off right with a little TMI. I was late to a run recently due to, ahem, nature’s call. I realized I needed to tell my training partner I would be late. We were meeting at the crack of dawn (pun not intended but how perfect was that?) after all and I didn’t want her to sit alone for too long or worry about my whereabouts. So I did what any responsible running partner would do and sent her this message, “I’m going to hurry but I might be a few minutes late. My tummy is not cooperating. #facepalm.”
In my days of running, I’ve realized modesty is out the window, real is greater than formality, and sometimes you just gotta say what’s up. Perhaps you’ve come to a similar realization through your experience with endurance sports.
So without further ado, my list of five things I would never say to a perfect stranger but have no problem saying to a training partner.
5 Things Only a Running Partner Would Understand
1. Sorry I’m late, I had to poop.
Or some variation of that. In my above example, I was meeting someone I know but not very well. The version of “sorry I’m late, I had to poop” she received was much more G-rated than other times I’ve said it. #sorrynotsorry
2. I chafed in my _______.
In the running world (and cycling world, I imagine?), it’s perfectly okay to tell your running partner that you chafed where the sun don’t shine. In fact, this topic comes up quite a bit — especially on long runs. Similarly, the only time you can drop trou to reapply lube without anyone paying much attention is on a long run. In the woods, not on a road.
3. I f%ck!ng hate hills! Wanna do hills?
Hillz for breakfast.
Hills make you stronger.
Hills are great for the glutes!
Yeah, yeah, yeah. Hills aren’t super fun. In fact, they can be downright difficult! But they’re a necessary evil and despite hating hills, your running partner will understand why you invited her to suffer with you.
4. Let’s meet at 5:45 am for a 14 mile run.
For realz. Who even says that?! Runners do, that’s who. And if you’re dedicated to training and you don’t want to let your running partner down, you know you’ll agree to meet at said ridiculous o’clock. You might hem and haw, but chances are you’ll still go. And who knows, you might be the next one to suggest it…
5. I’m so hungry. I’m gonna get a milkshake, eggs and toast, bacon, a giant salad, and coffee for breakfast. And lasagna sounds good, too.
I mean… ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Let’s face it, there’s a lot that’s said and done on the run that normal people don’t and wouldn’t do. But training is different and generally your running partner will completely understand what you’re saying. Poop, hills, and all!
Happy running!
Let’s talk!
What’s one thing you’ve said to running partner you’d never say to a non-running friend?
What’s the most embarrassing, or daring, thing you’ve done on a run?