I love summer. I’m making the most of summer fun by being active, trying new things, and relaxing! How are you having summer fun?
This summer has been flying by. Luckily it’s going so fast because of great things like Kids Run the Nation, 5K training, and spending time with friends and family. Today I’m going to keep this one easy and breezy and share with you some of the things I’ve been doing to enjoy my summer fun.
5 Ways I’m Making the Most of Summer Fun
1. Running with new friends
I’ve been enjoying logging miles with new friends over the last several weeks and it’s been great! New running friendships are a lot like dating. The first couple runs you’re fairly reserved, maybe even a little timid. By the third and fourth runs, though, the gloves are off, modesty is out the window, and you can tell if you’re a good match for one another. Of course a lot of it has to do with pace and proximity for ease of scheduling runs, but a lot has to do with personality, too.
And sometimes, when you’re really lucky, you get stuck in a downpour with a new friend and end up completely drenched head-to-toe.
2. Gym days and trail runs with my husband
Runfession: I’ve never belonged to a gym until now. Frankly, I never saw the need. My husband liked going but I was cool with putting on one of my co-ord sets and jumping on my treadmill and using light weights. Until I became a trainer, of course. Then I could appreciate the need for heavier weights and more sophisticated equipment. Plus I needed to live everything I wanted to teach my clients. Now I can say I really enjoy going to the gym. I still prefer bodyweight work only because you can do it anywhere, but the gym has so many amazing tools. Plus I get to work out with my husband and run a little afterward with him, which is something I’ve never been able to do before!
3. My tattoo
If you haven’t heard by now, I got my first tattoo on Monday! And I’m totally loving it. It’s absolutely nothing like what I was expecting to get when I arrived at the shop, but I’m so glad it’s what we came up with. I’m not sharing my original designs because there’s a high probability I’ll end up getting at least one of them in the future, but this one is perfect for my first. As my husband says, it’s the perfect blend of my past and my present. Truth. Check it out on Instagram if you wanna see it.
4. Freedom during the day
Selfishly, I’m really loving my freedom during the day while my kids are at camp. I love my children dearly but I can only take so much whining, fighting, and complaining. I’ve been hanging out with my kids exclusively for the last nine years. I’m enjoying this little slice of freedom during the week.
Things I’m enjoying solo:
- using the bathroom
- going to the grocery store
- listening to loud music with all the windows down in the car
- eating lunch
- watching TV
- writing blog posts
- running
Need I say more?
5. Pool time!
This summer I’ve been lucky to share quality pool time with friends and kids. Now that the kids are older, they know how to swim and can be less supervised in the pool. It’s been nice just to chill out with my friend and catch up on life while the kids play safely in the pool together. We still keep an eye on them, and there are plenty of lifeguards around, but we don’t have to be on them like hawks like last summer. It’s been really nice! If that’s not summer fun, I don’t know what is. I live for summer!
My time has been filled with summer fun and I hope the trend continues. Gym, trail running, spending time with friends — what more could a girl ask for? I hope your summer has been just as fantastic.
Have you joined the 5-Minute Plank Challenge? What are you waiting for??
Let’s talk!
What’s one of your favorite things you’ve been doing this summer?
Are you a gym rat?