Creating summer fun is super easy. Check out these simple ways to stay busy and have fun this summer!
Summer is here in all its glory. Granted, we’re still a few days away from the “official” start of summer, but who’s counting?
I love summer and spend as much time outdoors as possible to take advantage of summer fun. As such, I’d rather be outside at this moment so I’m cutting to the chase. Today’s post is short, sweet, and alllll about summer fun — in particular, how to create it!
5 Ways to Create Endless Summer Fun
1. Exercise at sunrise.
For me, getting a workout in first thing in the morning is my all time favorite part of summer. Ask any of my friends if I’m willing to meet them at 6:00 am for a run in the winter and you’ll be met with a resounding HELL to the NO! But come summer, warm temperatures, and early sunrise, and I’m the first one to suggest an early run. Exercising while the sun rises is such a treat and a fantastic way to greet the day.
2. Go for a hike and listen to wildlife.
Another way to create super easy summer fun is by getting outside and just listening to the hustle and bustle of nature. In the winter, life is so silent. You might hear some leaves rustling here and there but wildlife is largely unheard and unseen — which makes sense considering everyone’s sleeping through winter. But in the summer, all the animals are awake and excited to be alive. I really enjoy listening to the sounds of birds, squirrels, and bees going about their business in the warm weather. It’s fascinating.
3. Spend some time at the pool!
One surefire way to add some fun into your summer is by spending it at the pool. Whether you’re a parent with small children, a teenager with nothing but time, or a professional career-person, the pool offers something for everyone. Quality time with the family, mental health time away from the office with a good book, or just hanging out with friends — everyone should hit the pool a couple times in the summer!
4. Grill out. Every day.
It doesn’t matter what it is — grill it. Half the fun of being outside and creating summer fun is by eating delicious meals. And let’s face it, it’s usually too hot to turn on the oven and whip up a big meal in the middle of summer. Grill it! Get some new garden furniture too like teak garden benches, so that you can eat outside in comfort or maybe enjoy a glass of wine as the sun sets. It’s also great when you want to relax outside in the day, doing whatever you’d usually do inside like hobbies or taking phone calls.
5. Enjoy an evening campfire.
There’s nothing like closing out another summer day with a sunset and a campfire. It can’t be beat!
Creating endless summer fun is so easy it’s almost silly. Don’t overthink it — just go with it. Be active, have fun, and enjoy the season!
Happy summer, everyone!
Let’s talk!
What’s your favorite summer activity?
Marshmallows: burnt to a crisp or lightly toasted?