Need something fun, light, and quick to read? Check out my review of A Guide to Modern Manhood: Quirky Quotes from a Sarcastic Dad.
I have a super fun little review for you today. And it’s so perfect for the Friday Five 2.0 because there are five reasons why it’s such a great read! I recently had the opportunity to preview a copy of Eli Auerbach’s debut book A Guide to Modern Manhood: Quirky Quotes from a Sarcastic Dad.
I was provided a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review. All opinions are my own.
Never get a tattoo or piercing that you don’t think would look good on grandpa.
First, let me start by saying that yes, I realize I am not a man. But I’m always in for a funny, light read and this seemed to fit the bill. Plus, my husband’s a man and a dad so I figured even if I couldn’t get anything out of the book, at least he could. Even so, I laughed out loud more than once as I read through Mr. Aurebach’s book and I highly recommend it if you’re looking for a light-hearted, genuine perspective from a dad.
Five Reasons A Guide to Modern Manhood is a Must Read
1. It’s short and sweet.
Sometimes we just need a quick laugh or an easy way to escape what’s going on around us (moms and dads of young kids, I’m talking to you). This book is short and sweet and filled with many funny observations on parenthood!
2. Quirky… but true.
It’s aptly titled “quirky.” Some of the quotes are on point, others are head scratchers, and all of them are great advice in some way or another. The quirkiness I attribute to the whole manhood thing though…
Find a friend that makes you laugh so hard you tinkle just a little bit.
3. So hilarious.
As I mentioned, I laughed out loud more than once with this book. I could picture myself potentially having the same conversations with my own kids.
4. And so much truth!
Not only could I imagine myself saying some of the things he wrote, but there have been so many times I’ve actually said the same (or similar) to myself or to my kids. The similarities were uncanny!
Being a dad means learning to be patient, and by patient, I mean screaming into a pillow.
5. Makes a great gift!
A Guide to Modern Manhood: Quirky Quotes from a Sarcastic Dad would make a great gift. Father’s Day, new dads, sons going off to college. So many great gifting opportunities here!
A Guide to Modern Manhood: Quirky Quotes from a Sarcastic Dad is a great read. Now that I’ve dog-eared some pages, I’ll be leaving it on my husband’s nightstand for him to read at his leisure.
I’m so glad I had the opportunity to read this book. It’s super funny and I definitely think you should read it, too!
Let’s talk!
What’s a funny book YOU think I should read?
Do you know any soon-to-be dads that need this book?

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