Life moves pretty fast. If you don’t stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it. Join me for April Runfessions!
TGIF, right? This bas been a trying week, that’s for sure! But wow has it sped right on by. Between workouts, school drop-offs, our first spring practice for Kids Run the Nation, and parenting in general, I feel like life is moving at warp speed!
Overall the month of April has gone fairly well. We traveled to Florida for a quick vacation, and also adopted a Siberian husky — which lasted all of seven hours (if you count the five hours in the car). While a young adult male husky is certainly not in our future, another trip to Florida and a husky puppy certainly are (at some point).
In addition to those shenanigans, I’ve had a busy month. And a few things I need to runfess. I’m linking up with Marcia for this April edition of Runfessions. Grab a cup of Joe, sit back, and relax while I kvetch…
Life Moves Pretty Fast: April Runfessions
I runfess…
1. I’m loving all the extracurricular activities I’ve been up to lately.
You might have noticed on Instagram that I’ve been diving head first into extracurriculars. I’ve basically been interested in everything except running. It started because my friend and I purchased inexpensive week-long passes to a local barre studio. At the same time, my husband and I decided to finally join a gym (!!!). And then as soon as my barre class pass expired, a local Cyclebar was celebrating their second anniversary by offering free rides all week.
I definitely drank the Kool-Aid at barre. It’s such an incredible workout — and so very different from what I was expecting! And though I spent almost the entire winter on my bike, I wasn’t pedaling anywhere near what I pedal in spin class. As much as I want to continue both barre and spin, I do need to focus on my running miles a bit as I get closer to the Cleveland Marathon on May 20th. I’m hoping to run the half so I really need to dial in my long runs. Plus, I think over the summer I might experiment a bit with Krav Maga. But I imagine I’ll be back for barre and spinning in the near future because they’re both amazing workouts. Fantastic cross-training for runners!
2. I’m not loving the new Friday Five format.
Man alive! I thought I would love the new Friday Five format that we announced a few weeks ago. But I find myself struggling almost every week with a topic. Which is funny because as the hostess I was struggling choosing topics, too. Hmm… But at least once I chose a topic it was easy to stay on track. Is anyone else struggling or is it just me?
3. Monthly challenges are on hold for May.
Ack! I know, I know! I said I was running the FREE monthly challenges for the entire year. But I have a FULL plate in May and I honestly can’t keep up with it. Those of you that have been participating in the challenges have been kicking major booty and I don’t want you to lose momentum. So here’s what we’re gonna do. We’re gonna REPEAT the Burpees, Planks, and Push-Ups Challenge from January. If you want to join the Facebook community, please do! But it’s by no means mandatory. So — everyone got that? Burpees, Planks, and Push-Ups for May!
And if you haven’t done a challenge with me before, I highly encourage you to join up. It’s a LOT of fun. And it’s hard work. But damn does it feel good to complete the challenge!
I’ll resume monthly challenges in June. Stay tuned.
4. When will the “extra” weight go away?
When I was sidelined with injury, I gained an extra five pounds. I kept up my activity level but it still crept up on me. And now that I’ve been more active, sometimes pulling double duty with classes and miles, I’m still holding onto the extra five pounds. What gives?! I’m a little nervous it’s the weight that naturally comes with being a woman and all the hormone fluctuations. But damn I sure hope not. I suppose it could be muscle…
Yeah, let’s go with that. It’s muscle!! Duh.
5. All the illnesses are killing my mojo!!
You GUYS! My family has been hit with every freaking illness possible this winter. And now spring. I am OVER IT! If my daughter’s not sick, it’s my son. And if my son’s not sick, it’s my husband. And if it’s not my husband, it’s me! The gloom of the winter was depressing enough — can we puhlease get a break from all these germs??
I’m longing for consistently warm weather and sunshine-filled days. We’re almost there. I can feel it. I don’t want to wish this life to move quicker because as it is life moves pretty fast. But frankly? I want this winter (and joke of a spring) to be over. STAT.
Hopefully I’ll have less to complain about come the end of May. But don’t hold your breath because I’ve got a super busy month ahead! 😉
Have a fabulous weekend, friends!
Let’s talk!
What are you getting into this weekend?