My spring fitness goals may have changed but things change and we adjust! I’m looking forward to tackling my NEW spring fitness goals in 2018.
As I predicted would happen, my training and racing plans have changed considerably since I posted my 2018 goals back in December. My bout of hamstring tendinitis really set me back. I’m no longer considering an ultramarathon this year. I’m not really planning on running a full marathon in 2018 to be frank. In truth, my fingers are crossed I’ll be able to run at least a half marathon but only time will tell. While a few of my goals have stayed the same, most have changed.
But instead of focusing on the what I can’t do, I’m focusing on what I can do. I’ve got some new spring fitness goals.
Spring Fitness Goals of 2018
1. Run pain free
My number one priority that tops the list of spring fitness goals is to run pain free. So far I’ve been able to run a mile and a half pain-free but let’s be honest — its been super hard. I used to crank out 5-6 miles with no problem. Now I’m struggling with one and half. But progress is progress and it’s been pain-free running. So far, so good! Baby steps.
2. Change my body composition
My second spring fitness goal is to continue to change my body composition. It’s been hard work but I’ve seen positive changes and I’m enjoying seeing the progress. The Burpees, Planks, and Push-Ups challenge helped a lot and now I’m fine-tuning the changes with the Supermans, Squats, and Twists challenge.
3. Clean up my eating
Eating clean will always be a struggle for me. I’m a chocoholic and sweets always get me into trouble. But by making a concerted effort to not go overboard, I’ll be able to keep things under control and make progress toward eating clean.
4. Focus on Kids Run the Nation
I led my first session of Kids Run the Nation in the fall and it was so much fun. I’ll be holding another session this spring. I plan on similar lessons this time around but I have a few kids returning from the fall session. In the next few weeks I’ll be working on making the spring session fun and engaging for everyone.
5. Run a spring half marathon
I’m holding onto the possibility of being able to run the half marathon at the Cleveland Marathon in May. Even if I can’t run the half, I’ll run one of the races like the 8K or 10K. But the goal is 13.1. Stay tuned! Haven’t registered yet? Use code RFCLE10 for 10% off!
In a way, this forced break has been a blessing in disguise. I’ve focused on other priorities, spent more time with my family, and got to work on some bigger projects over the last couple months. I miss running and can’t wait to get back to it but being able to step back and take a break has been nice.
In running and fitness, as in life, we have to be flexible and make changes to our plans. My spring fitness goals have changed but that doesn’t mean I’m throwing in the towel and giving up. It just means I have new avenues to explore!
Let’s talk!
Have you had to adjust a spring fitness goal?
What are you looking forward to this spring?