Winter fitness should be a priority, not a chore! Find some fun exercises or modes of activity to keep fit all season long.
It’s been five weeks since I’ve done any running. On the one hand, what a bummer. On the other hand, it hasn’t been so bad since the weather has been so bitterly cold and snowy. If I’m being honest, I’m kinda relieved I don’t have to hem and haw about whether I’m going to run outside or not. It can be really difficult to go out during the winter months and actually do exercise, but it’s really important to keep moving in the cold months.
Since I’m sidelined and to keep up my winter fitness, I created the Burpees, Planks, and Push-Ups challenge. I knew I needed a way to hold myself accountable, and I know I keep mentioning it but I gotta tell you — it’s kicking my a$$! And in a really, really good way. Our group has been so supportive and encouraging, and the exercises are really starting to make me feel good and strong.
In addition to the challenge, I’ve been cycling, doing yoga (not as much as I should), and working on physical therapy exercises for my poor hammie. I may not be running, but I’m keeping busy!
Winter Fitness: Cycling, Burpees, and More!
1. Cycling isn’t so bad.
I never really “liked” cycling, but I think I’ve been doing it wrong. I don’t have a road bike so I always felt like an imposter and I honestly never felt like I got a good, solid workout in. I tried and I sweated, but nowhere close to how I would feel after a run.
I’ve recently started riding with a heart rate monitor and it’s been life-changing. I’ve also bought some new workout gear specifically for cycling (from a company like Cycology) and that’s also made a difference too. My workouts are appropriately difficult, I’m sweating, and I’m sleeping soundly again. I’m not sure I’ll need the HR training when I’m back to running but it’s certainly been amazing on the bike!
2. Full body workouts (ahem, burpees) are amazing!
I’ve been sore in places I didn’t know could be sore — just from doing the BPP challenge! I’m planning on hosting another challenge in February so if you’re interested in joining us, stay tuned. I’m not entirely sure what the challenge will be just yet, but I’ve got something in the works.
3. PT exercises are hard.
Turns out my poor hammie needs some major TLC. I haven’t officially been to physical therapy yet (next Friday, yay!) but my doc and my chiro have given me a couple ideas of exercises to begin before I even get there. They’re hard exercises and I’m working areas I’ve never worked before, but I’ve been doing them diligently and I swear I can already feel an improvement. Is that even possible?
4. Yoga is even harder.
When push comes to shove, yoga is harder than cycling, burpees, and PT exercises combined. It might have something to do with the fact that I’m working hard doing other exercises so I’m fatigued before I even get to yoga. Or it could have something to do with being sore from those other exercises. And although yoga is hard, I’m going to keep doing it because I know it’s good for me. Plus sitting around reading text books is way less exciting.
5. Protein is important.
After all these workouts I’ve been doing, you better believe I’ve upped my protein game. My muscles need the extra nutritional love, and as it turns out, I don’t think I’ve been getting enough protein all along. I’ve been making a conscious effort to make sure I’m getting what my body needs and that includes adding egg whites to my post workout smoothies. Yes, you read that right. And yes, they are pasteurized. And yes, they DO make my smoothie richer and more delicious! What are these delicious egg whites I’m referring to? AllWhites 100% Liquid Egg Whites. They’ve been a game-changer for me and I’m working on a delicious recipe to share featuring AllWhites Egg Whites! Watch for it on Monday.
As you can see, although I’m sidelined from my sport of choice, I’ve been keeping very busy with other activities this winter. There was a time in my life I would have taken this opportunity to make an excuse and sit around and do nothing. Instead, I’m hoping to keep my winter fitness up so that when it’s time to get back to what I love (running), I’ll be strong and ready! (And admittedly, all the cross-training is doing me hella good.)
Do you use a heart rate monitor?
What’s your preferred fitness activity? What about winter fitness?