2017 was a remarkable year for me. From PRs to coaching to forging new friendships, there was always something incredible happening. This is my year in review: 2017 edition.
As we close out 2017, I look back and think to myself, “what a year it’s been.” I have much to be thankful for and though there were many ups and downs, I couldn’t be happier with how 2017 unfolded. Join me as I take a look back on the year and all that came along with it.
My Year in Review: 2017 Edition
As a running coach…
I had the privilege of coaching some incredible runners this year. I learned something new with each client and with each race. Most of my runners PRed at least one race this year. Many of them PRed more than one race. And a few of them PRed every. single. race. (Judy and Meera, I’m looking at you…) Proud coach, indeed!
A couple of my runners didn’t race at all. Instead, their goals were to get back into the sport or get a little faster overall. Mission: accomplished. I’m incredibly honored I was chosen to coach each and every one of my athletes through their successes and that I was there to guide them through some struggles. I can’t wait to see what’s in store for my runners in 2018.
I also had the opportunity to coach the first iteration of Kids Run the Nation in the Cleveland area. The program was a huge success. We had kids from kindergarten through fifth grade and had a fantastic experience teaching them the ins and outs of running, as well as watching them set their own goals and ultimately achieving them. What an honor it was to introduce them to running — a sport I love so dearly.
As a runner…
I’m so incredibly grateful for the amazing racing season I had in 2017. I achieved and exceeded every goal I set. I PRed almost every single race, even when I didn’t train specifically for that goal. Special thanks goes to my coach, Coach Mark, to whom I owe a lot of my success. He was there every step of the way and guided me through my racing season.
Highlights of my 2017 racing season include:
20 Mile Drop — I had a big goal for the 20 Mile Drop. I achieved and exceeded my goal with a snazzy 23-minute PR. It was a great way to kick off what would become an incredible race season.
Grandma’s Marathon — I trained hard for Grandma’s Marathon and snagged another HUGE PR at this race. 43 minutes to be exact. Not only that, but it was my first marathon I wasn’t injured. It was a HUGE win. It was hot as Hades but I had an incredible time and now I have memories to last a lifetime.
Marine Corps Marathon — Despite feeling some burnout mid-summer, I pushed through my training for MCM. It paid off, too, because I managed another marathon PR in D.C. This time I PRed by 11 minutes.
Hot Cider Hustle 5K — With absolutely zero intentions of racing, and frigid, unseasonable temperatures, I somehow ended up breaking 25 minutes at the Hot Cider Hustle 5K. I was very pleased with my race given I had done zero training and kept my miles to a minimum between Marine Corps and Hot Cider.
Memorial Day 4-Miler — I run the Memorial Day 4-miler almost every year. In 2017 not only did I PR but I won an age group award, too!
B’nai B’rith Health Run 5K — As luck would have it, I managed a nice age group award at the B’nai B’rith Health Run 5K as well. What a summer!
With friends…
Not only did I achieve every PR dream in 2017, I expanded my running tribe not only locally but nationally, too. From running the Cleveland half with a local running buddy to logging hundreds of miles with friends new and old, this is a year I will not soon forget.
I had the opportunity to meet a few bloggers at races, too. I enjoyed meeting Kim and Gina at Grandma’s Marathon in Duluth, MN as well as meeting Lisa from Mile by Mile at the Cleveland Marathon (even if it was a brief hello from afar!). And an added bonus was meeting Deborah, Courtenay, and Erika in October when I was there for Marine Corps.
I also had the opportunity to see my friend Chris who lives in Hawaii, my friend Mary in San Diego, and my college roomie, Alex, who lives in D.C. It was such an amazing feeling being able to reconnect with some of my all-time favorite people. My only regret is not having more time with them.
…and with family
In 2017 we traveled west to see the rest of my family in Phoenix, AZ. We had an amazing Thanksgiving together and I’m so glad we made the trip. We spent time with my dad, my mom, my brothers, and all my nieces and nephews. It was a long overdue, and very fun, trip.
My Year in Review: 2017 Edition
As a blogger…
I had the opportunity to work with, and represent, some incredible brands and races in 2017. The Cleveland Marathon and the Lake Health Running Series are among the highlights, in addition to great brands such as SOS Rehydrate, Orange Mud, Feetures Running, Honey Stinger, and Momentum Jewelry. It’s been amazing to work with these brands and organizations and I very much look forward to 2018.
On the health front…
I’m closing out 2017 as an injured-runner. Unfortunately I’m dealing with hamstring tendinitis and unable to run. I’m indifferent about what it means for me at this moment, but I know as soon as I don’t feel any pain or the twinge in my leg, I’ll to want to start running again. The trick will be to not run even when I’m feeling better. I need this thing to heal so I can tackle any running goals I may have in 2018.
And some sadness…
Unfortunately a few sad things happened in 2017 as well and I would be remiss if I didn’t mention them.
My husband’s grandmother passed in the spring. She was the matriarch of the family and while her passing wasn’t unexpected, it was still raw and heavy. We spent time with family and we know she would have loved that we were all together in her honor. I knew her much longer than I had known my own grandmothers and I still miss her every single day.
Another sad note in 2017: We made the decision to euthanize our dog of 15 1/2 years on December 18. She had been having health problems for a while and her condition was rapidly deteriorating.
My husband and I got her in October 2002 from a trailer park in Bloomington, IN while we were students at IU. We were looking through the student newspaper one day and saw an ad for a puppy. We thought “why not,” wrote down the address, and off we went. When we drove up we were both a little skeptical but we parked the car and got out. As soon as my husband saw the puppy, it was love at first sight. She got on her belly, wagged her tail, and army-crawled over to him and into his lap. They were inseparable from that moment forward.

Rest in peace, Daisy May
As we drove back to his house that evening, in his falling-apart Jeep Cherokee, she snuggled deep into my fleece jacket in the front seat. It was then that my husband named her Daisy. It was only later that we found so many fleas all over her that it made my skin crawl for days. Daisy lived a wonderfully long, happy life. She was incredibly sweet and had the kindest heart I have ever known. She loved to snuggle, she whined when we took her places in the car, and she was terrified of the vacuum. Daisy was loved beyond words and we will miss her very much. Rest in peace, sweet girl.
Overall Achievement of Goals
My accomplishments were far beyond my wildest dreams in 2017. I’m so happy I can tuck these successes neatly into my memory bank for this year. I had a stellar year and I’m so proud of myself for kicking so much asphalt. Almost every step felt like magic, and I was fortunate enough to forge some incredible friendships along the way.
2017, you were good to me. Thank you.
Let’s talk!
Did you accomplish your goal(s) in 2017?
Do you have big goals for 2018?