Running a Turkey Trot is a great way to kick off the Thanksgiving holiday. If you haven’t run one, what are you waiting for? Start making some memories!
I can’t believe it’s almost Thanksgiving. This year has gone by in the blink of an eye. I have a lot to be thankful for this year. I’ve had a wonderful season of racing, built and fortified really great friendships, reignited a closeness with my family located thousands of miles away, and have made great strides with work and career. It’s been a great year and I’m thankful for all of it.
In addition to being thankful, Thanksgiving is one of my favorite holidays for other reasons, too. The food, family, friends, fun — and running! — all make Thanksgiving a wonderful holiday. One of my favorite activities that always elicits great memories is running a turkey trot. Join me as I take a look back at some of my favorite Turkey Trot memories!
Thanksgiving Traditions: A Turkey Trot Retrospective
Mesa Turkey Trot (2011)
In 2011, I ran my first ever Turkey Trot. I had spent two years getting back in shape after I had my firstborn and this was my first official “race.” I say “race” and not race because it was untimed. But it was a race nonetheless! My husband and I ran together and had a blast. It’s one of my favorite running memories.
Cleveland Turkey Trot (2013)
2013 was an epic year. It was the first year my bestie, Julie, and I ran the Cleveland Turkey Trot together. It was also the year I met my good friend, Eugenia. I was barely five months postpartum and it was my first legitimate run after having my daughter. Looking back, I’m fairly certain it was my longest race at the time, too. I’m sure I was a nervous wreck. It was definitely cold and awful weather, but we had fun and even stopped by Starbucks on our way home for a hot drink. Unfortunately I don’t have a recap of the race. But 2013 was the year the Turkey Trottin’ and Starbucks’ing tradition was born.
Cleveland Turkey Trot (2014)
In 2014, I ran the Cleveland Turkey Trot with Julie and my friend Marnie. It was cold, snowing and slushy — a typical winter mess. I managed to shave four minutes off my previous course time despite it all. And the obligatory post-race Starbucks stop, of course.
Cleveland Turkey Trot (2015)
The 2015 Cleveland Turkey Trot was warmer than years past. I ended up running an amazing PR thanks to my unofficial pacer, Andrew. It was definitely one of the more fun Turkey Trots I’ve ever run. I attribute that both to the company and the weather.
Cleveland Turkey Trot (2016)
In 2016, Julie and I were back, as were Eugenia and Sara. I remember so clearly that Eugenia was racing for a PR, Julie was also (she always does), and Sara and I did a fun run since she had her stroller. Sara and I picked off a few stroller runners and had fun along the way. It was misting and although it was cold, I remember feeling I had overdressed a bit. After the race, Julie and I hit up Starbucks — as usual. #tradition
What does 2017 hold?
2017 is a mixed bag. On the one hand, I get to see my family which is a rarity. We’ll all be together again after being separated for many years (two parents, three children, two spouses, seven grandchildren, two dogs, and a partridge in a pear tree). But on the other hand, I’m going to miss my annual Turkey Trot festivities with my bestie. And that makes me so very sad. Fortunately Julie and I just ran the Hot Cider Hustle together (which is part of the reason we chose that race). I’m hoping I can rope my husband in to running with me on Thanksgiving but we’ll see. I may be flying solo and hoping to meet up with a local MRTT group.
Running a Turkey Trot is a great way to kick off the Thanksgiving holiday. If you haven’t run one, I highly recommend signing up for a local race. It’s a lot of fun and who knows, maybe you’ll begin a Thanksgiving tradition of your own!
Let’s talk!
Do you run Turkey Trots?
Do you have any non-traditional Thanksgiving traditions?