Today’s topic is super fun. Things that make you go “hmmm!” This feels a little like runfessions, but I’ve got a few things that have had me scratching my head lately so I’m going with it!
Things That Make Me Go Hmmm…
1. High school athletes that push too hard.
This one just crushes my soul. And it doesn’t only apply to high school athletes — middle schoolers are just as prone to this as the big kids. When we were at our final race for Kids Run the Nation on Wednesday, I saw this high school girl running some sort of sprint repeats (not sure exactly what her workout was since she didn’t run the entire 100m distance) with a knee brace on. Now, as adults, we do foolish things like run too hard or too far even if we need to wear a knee brace. But when you’re a teenager, is pushing through what’s obviously some sort of injury or impairment really worth it long term? I don’t want to judge but hell, I’m gonna anyway. And I’m going out on a limb when I say the answer to that is a big fat no. But hindsight is 20/20 and maybe she won’t realize she should have taken it easy until she’s in her late 30s and has a desire to run again.
2. My mileage palindrome made me go hmmm…
Not only was it a palindrome which is totally awesome, but it had a hint of mischief to it which made me laugh a maniacal laugh. Okay, maybe not. But I did chuckle. Because a palindrome that looks like this — 16661 — is amazing!
3. When runners wear cotton…
Why does this drive me insane? I dunno, but it totally does. To each his or her own, but for the love of god, leave the cotton at home! Wear cotton to bed. But when you’re running or otherwise out in the elements, please opt for tech wear!
4. Marathons.
Marathons make me go hmmm. Every time. Just ask Kim. I declared to her at Grandma’s that marathons are dumb! And I still contend that they’re dumb. They’re far, and all the body parts hurt, and then you’re hungry for daaaaaays. They’re just dumb. Yet I continue to do them so who’s the dumb one now?
Don’t answer that.
5. People that run with giant headphones covering their ears.
This one definitely makes me go hmmm. It’s unsafe to have your entire ear covered when you’re out on a run. If you’re running roads, how can you hear the traffic? If you’re out on the trails away from traffic, how can you hear wildlife or approaching humans? It’s just nonsense. Giant headphones for running is a big no no in my book, and every time I see them I go hmmm (and it’s probably audible to everyone around me). Safety first.
I strangely love the topic for today. As I said, I feel a little like I just runfessed in the middle of the month. But I runfess I kinda liked getting those things off my chest!
Have a fabulous weekend, and we’ll catch up on Monday! Happy Friday the 13th!
Let’s talk!
Fess up: do you run with giant headphones (or earbuds in both ears)?
What’s one fun thing you’re getting into this weekend?