Do you have kids and feel like you need a break? Or perhaps you find yourself daydreaming about all the fun things you could be doing instead of withering away, stressed out, at work? Or maybe your friends or family are piling on too much responsibility and you haven’t figured out a way to say “no.”
Believe me, I know how you feel.
I have kids so I’m stressed out all summer long. I work from home so while I truly enjoy what I’m doing and I don’t actually dream of doing anything else, the kid thing stresses me out enough. Plus other family obligations, cooking, cleaning, yadda, yadda, yadda. It’s a lot to handle sometimes without the confines of a school schedule to keep things running smoothly.
As for me, instead of waiting for school to start and getting back in a routine, I’d rather take hold of the stress now and enjoy the rest of my summer. Maybe you’re in a similar situation. So to help us both out, today I’m giving you five glorious ways to have a stress-free summer — or as stress-free as possible, anyway.
5 Ways to Have a Stress-Free Summer
1. Take a forest bath.
The benefits of forest bathing include increased immune system, lower blood pressure, better mood, and better ability to focus. There’s a lot of information out there about forest bathing, but check out this article and this one, too.
Don’t live near a forest? Come visit Cleveland. I’ll show you all the cool places to take a forest bath.
2. Go for a run.
Running is the obvious choice, no? After all, this is a running blog. But aside from being obvious, there are mountains upon mountains of evidence pointing toward running as a stress-reliever and general health-booster. Next time you’re stressed, lace up and head out for a nice and easy shakeout run.
3. Try a new dish or beverage.
Finding something “new” during the summer can be fun and exhilarating — especially when it comes to food and beverage. There are tons of amazing seasonal dishes to be enjoyed with the bounty of summer. Plus, kicking back at a local eatery with your significant other or bestie is a great way to have a stress-free summer!
4. Do something fun!
Kayaking, hiking, putt-putt golf, creek walking. Do something fun. Get outside. Get dirty! It’s summertime, after all.
5. Reconnect with friends.
Reconnecting with friends is by far one of the easiest, most fun, and best ways to relieve stress. Whether it’s on the trails for a run, at the local wine bar for a night out, or poker night with some buddies, human interaction is the pinnacle of stress relief.
Keep things light and fun this summer. If kids or work start stressing you out, you know where to get some ideas to help you burn off some steam.
If you’re an avid Friday Five linker, the topic for the rest of July is FREE. The ladies of Fairytales and Fitness and I are busy coming up with lots of ideas for the upcoming months.
Have a topic in mind for the Friday Five 2.0? Comment below and we’ll add it in the rotation (and give you credit linked back to your blog!).
Have an amazing weekend, friends!
What’s one thing you do to relieve stress?
What’s your favorite summertime beverage?