Happy Friday and welcome to the end of July! (Booooooo!!!!) Today I’m linking up with Marcia for the Friday Five 2.0 meets July Runfessions. I don’t have much to tell, but I do have a few things. Let’s get to it, shall we?
July Runfessions: Friday Five 2.0 Style
I runfess…
1. Training is tough.
Even though I’m only four weeks into training for Marine Corps Marathon, I feel like I’ve been training for months. Oh wait… I have. I’m likely feeling the effects particularly bad this week because I really haven’t gotten good, quality sleep and it’s catching up to me. While I’m in training I try to get about 8-9 hours of sleep every night. I know to some people that may seem like a lot, and I’m lucky if I get that many, but 6 hours does not cut it for me. Especially when I’m logging 35+ miles per week.
I’ve also been screwing around with my nutrition — and not in a good way. This seems to be derailing my longer runs so it’s time to get my butt in gear and really focus on getting enough calories to fuel my workouts.
2. Running is amazing.
I speak the truth. I really, really love running. In one of my training groups, one of my runners said she really hopes running becomes easy for her one day. I assured her it will. I distinctly remember when I started enjoying running. Yes, I still have bad days (uh, hello, Thursday!), but more often than not, I truly enjoy lacing up and getting outside. Do you remember when the switch flipped for you?
3. I wish my husband would run more with me.
We’re different paces and I run much farther than he ever has before so we’re not a super compatible running couple. But I wish he would run with me more because we always have so much fun together. I think when our kids are a little older and scheduling becomes a little easier, we’ll be able to run together more often. Can’t wait!
4. I don’t want summer to end.
I freaking love summer. I love everything about it. On the one hand, August whisks my kids back to school and we settle back into a nice routine. But on the other hand, August signals the end of summer. And that makes me sad. Because summer is amazing!
5. Fall programming is a challenge.
I’ve been working on a few projects for the fall (which I’m very excited about), but the more I dig into the logistics, the more I remember how difficult planning fall outdoor activities can be. I used to run a playgroup — it was a really big, active playgroup — and when I would post outdoor activities, we were always faced with what to do in case of inclement weather. The same goes for running/athletic activities. Granted those are easier to execute in the rain than a playdate with toddlers, but it’s still a challenge nonetheless. I think I have things under control finally, but for a while there it was a real head scratcher!
I think that covers my July Runfessions. I’m looking forward to my kids going back to school so I don’t have to run at o’dark thirty every day. I think that will save me most from sleep deprivation. But I will miss summer, that’s for sure.
Don’t forget to link up with Fairytales and Fitness and me for the Friday Five 2.0. August and September themes have been posted here. If you choose to link, please follow the rules — “five” format and read/follow at least two other bloggers in the linkup!
Do you run with your partner/spouse?
How many hours of sleep do you need to adequately function?