When I was a kid, my mom was the best. This woman was the bee’s knees. We made rice krispie treats for my birthdays at school. She made this amazing spaghetti sauce for every “special” occasion — like going away for camp or the first night home. When I got a little older we used to go shopping together. We had such fun. She was the best. She still is the best.
But when you’re a kid, you don’t really understand what a mom goes through or the insanity she puts up with on a day to day basis. (Moms, am I right?) I have distinct memories of my brothers and me sitting at the kitchen table, banging our 1970s-era plastic Tupperware-like cups (or maybe they actually were Tupperware) loudly while simultaneously chanting “more milk please.” It was like our own insane rallying cry in the middle of dinner to declare the Battle of Necessary Milk Consumption.
More milk please! More milk please! More milk please!
It was hilarious and fun and brings back such funny memories! But WOW — how the heck did my parents put up with that?! Especially my mom?! Because as a stay-at-home-mom, you know she had to do literally everything to keep the household running smoothly. The woman was — and is — a saint!
I’m a mom now. If my kids so much as bang a drum in the playroom for a nanosecond too long, I lose my sh$t. It’s a wonder I don’t sleep in the garage some nights. But it gives me a whole new appreciation for my mom and all the other moms that have come before me. How we all made it out alive from our youth is beyond me.
I appreciate the moms that had not one single clue what they were doing as mothers when their new baby arrived — or after their firstborn was 18 years old. God knows I still don’t know what I’m doing these days with my oldest. Shout out to the moms that had breakfast in bed when their kids were little — and questioned how long ago the eggs were cooked or if little, “clean” hands handled the toast. And high fives all around to the moms that wiped countless noses, applied all the band-aids in just the right place, and made all the Halloween costumes from scratch (yeah, that last one’s definitely not me).
This post, moms, is for YOU.
5 Great Quotes for Strong Women Called “Mom”
In honor of my mom — and all those other badass women who raised beautiful, happy, successful children — I want to share five of my favorite quotes that remind me of how amazing and strong mothers truly need to be.
- “A strong woman looks a challenge dead in the eye and gives it a wink.”
- “It’s not easy being a mother. If it were easy, fathers would do it.”
- “Here’s to strong women: May we know them, may we be them, may we raise them.”
- “My mother worked too hard for me not to be great.”
- “She took the leap and built her wings on the way down.”
Happy Mother’s Day to all those strong mothers out there, doing what us moms do best — not royally screwing up our children’s lives. Without strong women like you, our children would be without: band-aids in the right places, stuffed animal noses stitched back on after being chewed off, kisses goodnight, and most importantly, without all the milk at the dinner table.
And thank you to my own mom for teaching me the ropes.
More milk please!
What’s one ridiculous stunt you pulled with your siblings that probably drove your parents batty?
Do you have kids of your own?