Happy Friday and welcome back to the Friday Five 2.0. It’s the end of the month which means it’s time for Runfessions, too. Let’s get to it, shall we? Here we go!
I runfess…
March Runfessions: Marine Corps Marathon Excitement!
1. I got in!!!
If you follow me on social media, you know I’m still riding high on my acceptance into the 42nd running of the Marine Corps Marathon. I’m freaking ECSTATIC, you guys. I can imagine this is how some college kids feel when they’ve been accepted into their Greek house of choice on bid day. Something like that? Maybe? I dunno. All I know is… YASSSSSSSSSSS!
2. I wasn’t going to enter the MCM lottery.
It’s true. I almost didn’t enter the lottery. I was thinking a different race would be great this year. But my friend Julie convinced me to. And now I’m over-the-moon excited. I’m so glad I did. WAHOO! I have to admit, the lotto lunacy was real again this year, and the excitement of getting in was almost too hard to contain in a public setting. I didn’t think it would be just as exciting as the first time I got in, but it totally was!
3. This is the longest week ever.
This month has been incredibly awesome in terms of training. But this week… is it over yet?! Between traveling, running all the miles, and not sleeping so well, I’m totally spent. This is my peak week of training for the 20-Mile Drop coming up on April 23rd, so it’s supposed to be tough. But zzzzz…
March Runfessions
4. Momentum makes the prettiest bracelets.
I got a new bracelet from Momentum Jewelry the other day and I’m mildly obsessed. It’s so beautiful. It gives me such a positive, strong feeling just knowing I’m wearing it. I feel like when I’m down, it lifts me up. I want to wear it all the time. And I have. How long do you think it’ll take before I wear out the band?
5. I chose the treadmill over outdoors.
It was a beautiful day on Wednesday for my 8-mile run. I runfess that I ran on the treadmill. Why did I stay indoors on a 45˚F, sunny day? Frankly, because I was tired. We got home late from our trip on Tuesday and I was completely drained of energy. I knew I could just hop on the treadmill and peace out for an hour and a half if need be. I love running outside, but I’m always on high alert when I run solo and I just wanted to shut off my brain for a little while. Instead of running in the sunshine, I watched Top Gun. I runfess it was the first time I had ever seen it start to finish… don’t judge.
And that’s it for my March Runfessions, folks. There’s actually a lot more I could runfess (like how I haven’t been diligent about logging the mileage on my shoes, or how I haven’t been training Trixie as well as I should be right now), but I’ll save those things for another day. Right now I’m just excited about MCM. Cue all the feels!!
Have a super weekend. Do something fun. Visit with your family. Eat some good food! And then come back here on Monday and tell me all about it. 🙂
Do you ever opt for the treadmill because it’s “easier?”
Have you seen Top Gun? <—— please say I’m not the only one. #facepalm