Happy Hump Day and welcome back to the Running Coaches’ Corner — where coaches, runners, and readers of all walks of life gather to discuss the joys of running. 🙂
Today I have an exciting post to share. I’ve been dying to share it with you here on the Running Coaches’ Corner.
Grand Trail: A Breathtaking View of Ultrarunning
I was given the opportunity to review an amazing work of art. This work of art I speak of is a beautiful book called Grand Trail by Alexis Berg and Frederic Berg. I say art and not book because that’s what it is — a form of art. From the first glimpse of the front cover and all through the pages, it’s an incredible photographic masterpiece. You may recall my mentioning it back in December.
This review is sponsored by VeloPress. All opinions and reviews are my own.
Interviews, Ultra Courses, Nutrition, and History
At its heart, Grand Trail is a compilation of stories and photos of ultramarathon greatness. The icons of ultrarunning — Kilian Jorny, Emelie Forsberg, and Scott Jurek — are captured with both words and images. Scott Jurek’s chapter is wonderful (as is his book Eat and Run) and you can read some of it here.
Throughout the book are interviews with some of the great ultrarunners as well as course features of some of the most well-known ultra courses in the world. There are also features on ultra culture, the history of how it all started, and even a chapter on nutrition.
The ‘Darker’ Side of Ultrarunning
Grand Trail paints a beautiful picture of ultrarunning but it also depicts the sometimes ‘unsightly’ reality of trailing. The lonely nighttime running, the hallucinations, the gritty faces of runners coming to aid or crossing a finish line. The anguish, the fight to stay in the race, the pure dedication. Ultrarunning is both beautiful and grotesque and Grand Trail does an amazing job depicting both.
In short, Grand Trail is a handsomely organized coffee table book full of ultrarunning stories, interviews, and stunning photography.
If you’re an ultrarunner — or even if you’re merely fascinated with the ultrarunning world — this book is for you. Read the stories, enjoy the imagery captured so beautifully on the pages, or just flip through to a random page every now and again and you’ll certainly reap the benefits of this book.
To purchase your own copy of Grand Trail, click here.
Are you an ultrarunner?
If yes, what keeps you going?
If no, have you ever considered running an ultra?

Also linking up with Nicole, Annmarie, Jen, and Michelle today for Wild Workout Wednesday!
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