These last days of winter break have kept me extremely busy. Granted I’m not really on vacation even though my husband and kids are, but there have been days that felt like I have been because we’ve taken a family staycation of sorts. Fortunately for me I’ve spent the last three days doing work I love — hunched over at my desk creating and crafting training plans and reviewing athlete questionnaires. I can’t wait to start spring training myself, and it makes it even more exciting when new clients are ready to go, too.
But before I jump ahead to that, and in honor of the ending of winter break, I thought I’d recap the last two weeks of life.
Coaching, Running, and a Family Staycation
My runs have been surprisingly amazing. The week of the 18th I ran 18 miles which was shy of my 20 mpw goal. I ran in a variety of locations and over a variety of terrain — indoors on the treadmill, outside on the asphalt, and through the park on snow covered trails. I even started doing strength work again which has been much needed. Unfortunately I’ve fallen off that wagon yet again, but with half marathon training beginning in earnest now, I’ll need to get back to it.
The following week, the week of the 26th, was wonderful. I ran with the pup again for her longest run to date (4 miles!) during a warm spell. And then I spent the remainder of the week running with friends since everyone was on vacation and we all had more time to see each other.
I spent an hour or so at the chiro on the 28th which was unfortunate but — for those of you on pins and needles about my yearly mileage (ha!) — I did manage to finish off my 12 miles for the year. I officially ran 1,300 miles in 2016 — an amount that far exceeded my original goal of 1,000 miles. Wahoo!
Family Staycation
Aside from running, I got to spend the last two weeks with my family. There were times I indeed wanted to pull my hair out and run away, but for the majority of winter break we had a wonderful time together. I would say we took advantage of our mild winter break weather and did some amazing staycation style things! Some of the things we got to do as a family:
Made lots of holiday cookies

And I wonder why I have inflammation…
Saw the holiday lights and displays at Stan Hywet Hall
Read books together
Went to see Sing!
Ate Chinese food
Enjoyed the most delicious Christmas turkey — ever

My husband has mad skillz.
Went to Glow at the Cleveland Botanical Garden
We also painted pottery, made chex mix, and went to the mall. And of course we did our fair share of lazing around and not getting dressed for days on end. Because vacation.
Overall it was a wonderful break, but I am thrilled to be back to the grind this week. I’ve got some serious miles to be running coming up here soon, and I’ve got lots of training plans to be writing for my runners. Plus kids are legit exhausting! Between doing all the staycation activities and running all the miles, I’m ready for a… vacation?
What’s one fun thing you did over the last two weeks?
What was your farthest run over the last two weeks?
Linking up with My No-Guilt Life, Marcia’s Healthy Slice, and MCM Mama Runs for Tuesdays on the Run, and HoHo Runs and MissSippi Piddlin’ for the Weekly Wrap.