I’ll be honest. I wasn’t planning on posting anything for today. But then I thought about it and I’ve got a few things to say so figured, “hey, why not?” After all, it is Thursday — which means I can do some Thinking Out Loud. (Thanks, Amanda!)
Before I launch into my random tirade of nothingness, check out my well thought-out posts from earlier this week that you may have missed!
‘So Good’ Citrus Salad — and no, it’s not just for summer! I promise you’ll love it in the winter, too.
Do I Travel for Races? Plus, Spring Training Recap!
Strength Exercises for the Hypermobile Runner — and really, for any runner or athlete!
Adulting, Instagram Stories, and All the Food
1. I had a pretty good meeting on Wednesday.
I actually wore grown-up clothes and went to a grown-up office. This is what I refer to as “adulting.” This is a rarity in my life, in case you’re wondering. Things I’m normally doing: writing a blog post, writing a training plan, running, chasing after kids. Grown-up clothes, meetings, and adulting in general don’t happen too often for me. I must say, it felt oddly liberating.

Is this not adulting?
The meeting went really well. Mostly because it was with two really cool people, which always helps. I remember when I worked in corporate America and it was time for a meeting and everyone in my department would roll their eyes. Because it was almost always with someone telling us we did something wrong or nitpicking about something inconsequential. Now I rather enjoy a good meeting every now and again. Funny how things change. #adulting
2. Race ambassador, for the win!
I know I’ve hinted at it and it was likely obvious, but I’m officially back as a Cleveland Marathon ambassador for a second year. And this year’s gonna be big — it’s the 40th anniversary of CLE! You better believe the folks at the Cleveland Marathon have some amazing things planned for this year. I can’t wait to watch everything unfold! Keep an eye out for giveaways and prizes from yours truly as well as all the other ambassadors.
3. Can we briefly discuss Instagram stories?
I’m not on snapchat so I have no basis of comparison, but what exactly is the point of Instagram stories? I guess it helps you to grow your Instagram as it keeps your followers engaged. I post to them every now and again but honestly, don’t we have better things to do with our time, y’all? I get that we need to get those numbers up, but isn’t that what nitreo.com is for? Besides, I find myself getting sucked in to seeing people’s awful photos of their breakfasts and weird boomerang videos of coffee or juice being poured into a glass. (And yes, I am totally guilty of committing those crimes.) I guess I should be careful. My age may be showing… #getthewalker! Whilst we’re on the topic of Instagram, a friend of mine recently suggested that I buy Instagram likes to give my page a boost. Has anyone ever done that? Is it worth it? I’m considering it because then I don’t have to post stories to keep my audience engaged but I’ve not settled on the decision just yet. Let me know what you think.
Saying all this, it’s not all negative. Some of the people I follow actually post pretty amazing stuff, and I have been tempted to download the pictures through a site like storiesig, but I’ve never got to it. Some of the pictures are phenomenal and they’d actually be pretty good background pictures!
4. About those lunges and squats…
Yesterday I posted about lunges and squats. If you haven’t done lunges and squats in a while, don’t do 30+ all at once. Those m-f’ers hurt! I can’t even walk down the stairs today. Geesh.
5. I can’t stop eating.
No, really. I feel like I’m in marathon training again. Although I guess maybe I am? I’m not really sure. But wow I cannot stop eating. By about 3 pm I am literally rifling through cabinets, drawers, and the refrigerator trying to satiate my appetite. The biggest issue here is that I’m trying to avoid as much processed food and added sugar as possible, so grabbing a quick bar or prepackaged something or other is now out of the question. Such a bummer. So is instant oatmeal which is my fave. Instead I have to suffer with gluten-free, sugar-free muesli. Which really isn’t that bad. It’s actually kind of good. But you know what I mean, right?
6. I can’t sleep either.
My daughter kept me up all night on Tuesday night. The night before that I woke up at 2:47 am for no reason and couldn’t go back to sleep. And on Sunday night the same thing happened. So I’m now three nights behind in my regular sleep pattern. It’s brutal.
I think I’ve spewed all the random thoughts from my head for today. I hope you enjoyed that little stream of consciousness. 🙂 Tomorrow I’ll be back with a more organized post for the Friday Five 2.0 linkup. I hope to see you there!
Snapchat or Instagram stories? Go.
What’s one exercise that rocks your world after you do it?