This is it! Final post of 2016! I always get rather sentimental with the closing of a year. This year since I spent the entire week wrapping up my 2016, I thought I’d go out with some fireworks today. Are you ready? I am!
These are my Runfessions — Friday Five 2.0 style!
I Runfess…
1. That this is my first time linking up with Marcia for Runfessions.
I KNOW! Don’t even make me feel guilty, puhlease. I read everyone’s posts month after month, and each month I totally kick myself for not linking up. Well, better late than never, right? I finally did myself a favor and wrote myself a note in my planner about linking up for runfessions. Thank god because I feel better already. Moving on…
2. My training over the last two months has been laughable at best.
After MCM I told my coach I needed a break from training. And I did. I felt like I was on the verge of burnout. But I promised him I was going to aim for 20-25 miles per week. Has that happened? No. I’ve still run. But like, 3 miles instead of 6. And this is why I need a coach of my own. Accountability, people!
3. Speaking of not running…
I’ve been getting some serious FOMO from all you guys running in shorts or capris with sunshine and lollipops. What is up with that? I’m up here in CLE shivering my bum off and you’re all like, “hey, look at me! I jump for joy because it’s sunny and not freezing!”
I’m just kidding, it doesn’t make me jealous at all. Kinda kidding. Not really. But keep jumping because as soon as it’s 50 and sunny here I’ll be jumping for joy, too!
4. Even though I posted my 2017 goals, I’m not committed 100%.
I swear there was a coup on my Instagram post yesterday. All these well meaning people were all like “you should run trails!” Or, “hey, have you heard about this ultra?” And I was all like… “I’m hiding in the corner trying not to have my head explode at the thought of #RUNNINGALLTHERACES!!”
So yeah. I was totally dedicated to my goals yesterday. Today? Notsomuch. But this too shall pass.
5. I runfess that I wish I could travel for more races.
Not that I necessarily want to go on race-cations because let’s face it, they can be a little stressful. But I wish I had more freedom to do so. Just because. Even if I don’t want to.
I actually think this is a situation where you don’t know what you’ve got ’til it’s gone? Before kids I could do whatever I wanted. I didn’t, but I could have. And when my kids are older I’ll be able to do more but then my kids will be old which means I’ll be older. And then before I know it I’ll be a grandma with a walker.
It’s a downward spiral. I digress.
It’s been a fabulous year with you guys. Thank you so much for making it incredible on the blogging front. And don’t forget to linkup for the final Friday Five 2.0 of 2016 with the lovely ladies of Fairytales and Fitness and myself. And be sure to check here for January’s topics!
And with that, my lovely amazing friends, is how I’m bowing out of 2016. It’s been a great year. And now I can officially say I have taken part in the Runfessions linkup — and it feels gooooood!
Have a wonderful New Year with friends and family and I’ll catch you in 2017! Boo-yah!
What’s one thing you’d like to runfess before the year is over?
What’s the last race you traveled for?

And I’m finally linking up for Runfessions!