Oh Thursday, you’re back again. The day when I unload all the weirdness I’ve accumulated throughout the week. Glorious!
Training is Like Pregnancy + Momfails and Other Random Stuff
Training is a lot like pregnancy: you slowly and meticulously grow a new life — you know, a baby or a PR (totally the same thing) while simultaneously eating all the things. Also like pregnancy, running hard gives you (or maybe just me) really strange cravings. Take my recent half marathon, for example. I wasn’t all that hungry after the race until I came across a photo of someone’s clam chowder on Instagram. It hit me like a ton of bricks. I needed clam chowder. And I needed clam chowder NOW! So yeah, training is a lot like pregnancy.
And salad for good measure.
Did I mention I had two salads on Sunday after my race? Chalk that up to another unusual craving.
The rest of the week’s been pretty weird, actually. I had big plans to do some back to school shopping with my kids but instead… on Monday I was pretty torn up from my race so we stayed in and relaxed so I could recover. On Monday night I couldn’t sleep — I somehow managed three hours of sleep before a 6-mile run. Which meant all of Tuesday was basically a complete waste because I couldn’t function let alone drive other humans anywhere.
I finally decided to take a chance and took said humans to the playground. It poured on us as soon as we got there.
Momfail #1
Wednesday was a little better. Boo and I ran a mile together in the morning and then later in the afternoon we went to the park so I could run another 2 miles. We didn’t even get a mile in and it poured again.
Momfail #2
Yes, I had two momfails this week. Two! Eesh.
I did manage to make one of my all-time favorite dishes this week. It’s fabulous. I should forewarn you that it’s a doozy to clean up after and if you’re feeding kids, they may or may not reject it. But it’s fantastic so you should definitely try it! (Look for the recipe on Monday!)
I’ve been having kind of a bad week with running. I’m already a really paranoid runner and now due to recent events, my paranoia is heightened tenfold. I was lucky to run with Julie all of last week and so far I’ve run with someone on all my runs this week as well, but it really stinks not feeling confident and brave enough to run solo. I’m kinda, sorta worrying about how the rest of marathon training will go to be honest.
Gotta get out of my own head.
In addition to this whole paranoia thing, I’m debating transitioning back to Mizuno. I loved them for years. Then I started rotating in Newtons and Altras. I love them all. And that’s not to say I can’t run in all of them again. But transitioning to a lower drop shoe took a while and now it feels like I’m wearing high heels when I put on a more traditional shoe. Decisions, decisions!
All right, that’s all from here. What’s up with you?
Do you have weird cravings after a hard run?
Have you changed your running routes or habits recently?
Linking up with Amanda for Thinking Out Loud Thursday.