CONFESSION: I originally had an entirely different post ready for today. But I decided I didn’t like it. So in honor of my kids’ heading back to school in a few short weeks, I’m dedicating today’s post to all things kids and summer.
All Things Kids and Summer
Aside from our vacation, which was obviously fantastic, we’ve had so many awesome adventures this summer. I joke that I’m counting down the days until school begins, but in reality I’m really kind of sad my little people won’t be home with me anymore. Sure, them going to school means no more super early morning training runs, or blogging into the late hours of the evening. But it also means no more random days at the pool with friends, no more spur of the moment trips to go creek walking, no more “hey, let’s go do ____ today”s. Let’s face it, it means no more fun.

I promise he was having fun. “Mom! This is so heavy!”
I don’t hide that my kids drive me insane. They’re adorable, yes. But they’re annoying, too. There are days I want to pull out my hair because I’m going completely bonkers with frustration. But they’re so awesome and they’re so much fun. And I love taking them unexpected places, and hearing them play unexpectedly well together.
I mean, look at this, would’ya? This is my son reading my daughter a bedtime story. Why is this awesome? Because he just learned how to read last school year and because she requested him to put her to bed. Melt my freaking heart here, people.
I’m also going to miss dragging my son out for an early morning run. And by early morning, I mean 7. Now that school’s about to start, we won’t be running together in the morning anymore. Not at 7 anyway. And he’s too little for me to wake up at the crack of dawn to go running. He’s growing — a lot — and he needs his sleep.
I’ll still have ample time with my daughter after preschool and one day during the week. But it won’t be the same. We won’t attend as many playdates together anymore, we won’t go to as many museums. We won’t get to eat lunch together anymore! How sad is that?!
I’ve got two weeks left with these tiny terrors. And you better believe we’re making the most of it! As much as I wanted to run away this summer, I love the memories we’ve made together and I very much look forward to spending as much time with them as possible. As they say, they’re only little once.
Have your kids started school yet?
What’s your favorite summer memory?
Linking up with Amanda for Thinking Out Loud Thursday.